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The Old Man and the Sea (Hardcover-2023)

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About Book: “But man is not made for defeat,” he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” This tremendously famous novella, written in 1952, underlined Hemingway's influence and presence in the literary world. The Old Man and the Sea is a story of friendship between Santiago, an old fisherman, and his young friend Manolin. The narrative, set in the Gulf Stream, flows around heavy-on-his-luck Santiago and his tussle with the giant Marlin fish. In this novella, Hemingway masterfully portrayed relatable themes such as personal triumphs, friendship, perseverance, suffering, pride and respect. This twentieth-century classic is one of the most enduring works of American fiction.

About Author: Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was an American novelist, short-story writer and journalist who won the Nobel Prize in Literature (1954) and the Pulitzer Prize in fiction (1953) for his masterpiece Old Man and the Sea. His father was a doctor, and he was the second of six children. Their home vas at Oak Park, a Chicago suburb. Hemingway proposed the 'iceberg' theory which represents how readers only perceive characters like the tip of the iceberg, whereas the bulk of ice underneath are symbols found only in the writer's knowledge. He mastered the art of Modern Narration in the post-war period. Hemingway's first two published works were Three Stories and Ten Poems and In Our Time, but it was the satirical novel The Torrents of Spring that established his name more widely. His international reputation was firmly secured by his next three books: Fiesta, Men Without Women and A Farewell to Arms. Old Man and the Sea (1952) was Hemingway's last work.

More Information
Product NameThe Old Man and the Sea (Hardcover-2023)
Original PriceINR 250
AuthorErnest Hemingway
PublisherPeacock Books
Publication Year2023
SubjectEnglish Literature
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