<u> About the Book </strong></u><br>The rules of the corporate world are now dynamic like never before. For managers, the marathon race, starting at the bottom of the pyramid and working their way upto the top in 20–30 years, is no longer a fundamental truth. With executives reaching the corner office in less than 10 years, the workplace and its aspirations have reached a new high. Impatience is now seen as a virtue and this book addresses The Impatient Manager. The book provides strategies for a faster route to corporate success and at the same time provides caution signs that will prevent career crashes in the fast lane. Using his classic engaging, anecdotal technique, the legendary Walter Vieira takes readers through their own success marathon, sprinter style.
<br> <u>About the Author</u></strong><br> Walter Vieira</strong> is the President of Marketing Advisory Services Group, Mumbai, India, which he founded in 1975. Prior to that, he spent fourteen years working with various corporations—Glaxo, Warner Lambert and the Boots Company. <br>A Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants of India (FIMC), he provides training services and consultancy in business and marketing strategies to several organizations in India and abroad. <br>Walter Vieira has taught at leading management institutes in India—Bajaj Institute, Mumbai and ASCI, Hyderabad— and has lectured at business schools—Kellogg, Drexel, Cornell, Rady, URI, Lake Forest, NYU, among others, all in the USA; Boston Management School, Zaragoza, Spain; and other business schools in Thailand, Hong Kong, Nigeria and so on. <br>He has published more than nine hundred articles in the business and general press and was on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Management Consultants, USA. Walter Vieira has also authored fourteen books, of which three were written jointly with C. Northcote Parkinson and M.K. Rustomji. His most recent books include The Winning Manager and Successful Selling. <br>He has addressed the World Congress of Management Consultants in Rome (1993), Yokohama (1996) and Berlin (1999) and the World Marketing Summit in Dhaka (2012), Tokyo (2014). <br>He has been active in social marketing for organizations such as Cancer Aid, World Wildlife Fund and Consumer Education and Research Society. He is presently Chairman of the CERS, India and Trustee, MoneyLife Foundation and IDOBRO. <br>Walter Vieira has served as the President of the Institute of Management Consultants of India (1987–92), was the Founder Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Conference of Management Consultants (1989–90) and Chairman of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, USA (World apex body) (1997–99). <br>Walter was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Management Consulting in 2005 and for Marketing in 2009.