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Publishing Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Guidelines for English Textbooks

Atlantic Publishing Group invites authors to submit English textbook manuscripts. To ensure an efficient publishing process, please follow these detailed guidelines:

1. Manuscript Structure

  • Title Page: Include the book title, subtitle (if any), and author(s).
  • Table of Contents: List chapters and sections with corresponding page numbers.
  • Chapters/Units:
  • References/Bibliography: Provide proper citations for all referenced works.

2. Formatting Requirements

  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial, size 12.
  • Spacing: Double-spaced.
  • Margins: 1-inch on all sides.
  • Page Numbers: Include page numbers in the header or footer.
  • File Format: Submit in Microsoft Word (.docx) or Google Docs format.

3. Content Guidelines

  • Language: Use clear and concise language appropriate for the target audience (beginner, intermediate, or advanced learners).
  • Grammar and Style: Ensure grammatical accuracy and proper sentence structure.
  • Examples and Exercises:
  • Glossaries: Define key terms at the end of chapters or at the back of the book.

4. Use of Visuals

  • Images: Use high-resolution images with captions and ensure they are referenced in the text.
  • Tables and Charts: Clearly label all visuals.
  • Multimedia: Provide instructions for multimedia elements (audio or video), if applicable.

5. Citation and Permissions

  • Citation Style: Use a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
  • Copyright Permissions: Secure permissions for all copyrighted materials and include them with your submission.

6. Submission Process

  • File Submission: Send manuscripts digitally via email to [submission email address].
  • File Naming: Format: AuthorName_BookTitle_Manuscript.docx.
  • Permissions: Attach documentation for any third-party materials used.

7. Length and Deadlines

  • Adhere to the word count or page limit provided by the editorial team.
  • Submit all drafts and revisions on time according to the agreed schedule.

Important Notes

  • Email submissions will receive an automated acknowledgment and a decision typically within eight weeks.
  • Requesting a full manuscript or revisions does not constitute a commitment to publish.
  • We do not provide feedback or suggestions for improving rejected manuscripts.

For inquiries or submissions, email us at

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