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Land Control And Social Structure In Indian History
Robert Eric Frykenberg
The complex socio-political and economic structure of life on the Indian subcontinent has been confused by centuries of accretion in overlapping terminology. It has been further distorted by persistent Western attempts to reduce it to Western fram...
View full detailsA School Counsellor Casebook
Vikram Patel
The school years tend to be the healthiest period of life, but it is also when mental health problems often begin or become more apparent, due in part to the challenges posed by unique educational and socialization expectations and physical and ps...
View full detailsAurangzeb Monach and Man
Indira Parthasarathy
Indira Parthasarathy’s play Aurangzeb presents the Mughal Emperor from certain chosen perspectives. Like Parthasarathy’s other dramatic works, this too is primarily a play of ideas, focusing often on the political and ideological issues that led t...
View full detailsStudying History
John C.B. Webster
History is a dynamic, challenging, and ever-broadening field of study. This book, practical in its orientation, seeks to introduce the reader to the basic skills and procedures which lie at the heart of historical inquiry and method. It begins by ...
View full detailsBroken Mirror: Conversations with Artists and Thinkers
Chinmoy Guha
As the world moves into an uncertain post-theory phase, and one can see an increasing intolerance which threatens to disrupt the painstakingly constructed language of Indian modernity, there is a profound need for conversations and dialogues that ...
View full detailsThe Paradox of Populism
Suhit K. Sen
The Paradox of Populism: The Indira Gandhi Years studies the changing dynamics of politics brought about by the eclipse of Congress hegemony, caused principally by the 1967 election results and the split in the Congress party in 1969. It examines ...
View full detailsThe Lotus & The Lion: Essays On India’s Sanskritic And Persianate Worlds
Richard M. Eaton
Written over the first two decades of the present century, the essays in The Lotus and the Lion dwell on Indian history between the eleventh and the eighteenth centuries, when India was the site of the encounter between two great pan-Asian literar...
View full detailsDalit Intellectuals: Ideas, Struggles and the Vision
Yagati Chinna Rao, Raj Sekhar Basu
‘Lower-caste’ thinkers made a crucial intervention in the conceptualization of modern India by claiming that there could hardly be any discussion of colonial India without a critical interrogation of the caste system. Dalit Intellectuals: Ideas, S...
View full detailsJawaharlal Nehru: A Communicator and Democratic Leader
A.K. Damodaran
Jawaharlal Nehru: A Communicator and Democratic Leader explores multiple facets of Nehru’s experiments in communication as a speaker, writer and formulator of policy as a part of the Congress. In all this, we find, he is affectionately influenced ...
View full detailsPolitical Economy of Colonial and Post-Colonial India
Aditya Mukherjee
The Social History Of Health And Medicine In Colonial India
Biswamoy Pati, Mark Harrison
Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instru...
View full detailsThe Pull Towards The Coast And Other Essays
Ranabir Chakravarti
The pull towards the Coast and other essays: the Indian Ocean history and the subcontinent before 1500 CE presents nine essays and two appendices on both, the ‘history of ’ and the ‘history in’ the Indian Ocean prior to C.1500 CE by identifying th...
View full detailsThe Oceanscape Of Tamil Textiles In The Early Modern World
S Jeyaseela Stephen
This book explores how, in the early modern world, Tamil textiles became a globally traded commodity, and in being circulated across the seas and oceans came to be consumed by a wide variety of societies in Asia, Europe, Africa and America. The au...
View full detailsThe Dying Lineage: The Crisis of Political Power in the Mahabharata
Uma Chakravarti
The Dying Lineage has at its core the crises of reproduction that underwrite Vyasa’s Mahabharata, a text that best exemplifies the transitional moment from kin-based chiefdoms to monarchical kingdoms in the Indo-Gangetic doab in the mid-first mill...
View full detailsThe Ceremonial of Power: The Mughal Empire under Shah Jahan
Harit Joshi
The Ceremonial of Power studies the court ceremonial during the reign of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (1628–58) and its use as an indispensable tool in asserting imperial authority. It examines Shah Jahan’s portrayal in contemporary and later his...
View full detailsSiyaru’l-muta’akhkhirin The History of Latter Days India in the Eighteenth Century
Ghulam Husain Khan with a Foreword
Ghulam Husain Khan Tabataba’i’s Siyaru’l-muta’akhkhirin is divided into three unequal parts. The first part traces the history of the Mughal Empire from the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 to the latter part of Muhammad Shah’s reign, around 1740. The s...
View full detailsReligion Caste & Politics In India
Christophe Jaffrelot
Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instru...
View full detailsLocal Politics And Participatory Planning In Kerala
K. Rajesh
Local politics and participatory planning in Kerala analyses how micro-level politics impacts and influences local governance and examines the dynamics of its interaction with honesty. Written within the theoretical framework of field and habitus,...
View full detailsIdeas Matter: Debating the Impact of British Rule on India
Peter Robb
This volume argues that concepts and ideologies shaped the practice of British rule in India; impacted policies and laws, and were embodied in institutions and practices, affecting both governance and Indian experience. Engaging with questions of ...
View full detailsDāna:Reciprocity and Patronage in Buddhism
Anand Singh
Dāna: Reciprocity and patronage in Buddhism explores the concept of dāna in Buddhism as a primarily rational and ethical phenomenon and examines its superimposing, mythic, and cultic dimensions. Scholars who have contributed to this volume have at...
View full detailsBeyond the empire of Jagannatha: Politics and Culture of Goddess worship in early-medieval North Odisha
Roychowdhury, Madhuparna
The regional tradition of goddess worship is as important as the famous Jagannātha temple and its realm of ritual influence for the religious and cultural life of Odisha. Beyond the Empire of Jagannātha: Politics and Culture of Goddess Worship in ...
View full detailsApproaches To History: Essays in Indian Historiography
Sabyaschi Bhattacharya
This volume is the first in a series, bringing to readers the latest and most pertinent scholarship in Historiography. Historiography in itself as a subject of study has rarely found its place in the syllabi of Indian universities, while knowledge...
View full detailsReading the Ramcaritmanas: A Companion to the Awadhi Ramayana of Tulsidas
Rupert Snell, Neha Tiwari
Vernacularizing Pasts: Odisha: Mahabharata to 'Modernity'
Chandi Prasad Nanda
Examining questions of vernacularity and marginality, Vernacularizing Pasts explores critical concerns underlying history, time-space, modernity, and their associated discourses about Odisha. This work interrogates the idea of historicism in analy...
View full detailsThe Politics Of Ethnicity In India, Nepal And China
Marine Carrin, Pralay Kanungo, Gerard Toffin
The indigenous population represent an important component of Indian and Himalayan civilizations. This book reviews the social, cultural and political processes that have shaped indigenous societies in India, Nepal and China in recent years. The e...
View full detailsBuddhism At Sarnath
Anand Singh
This book is an attempt to discuss the status of Buddhism in Sārnāth on the basis of all the available sources. It is a reconstruction of different Buddhist traditions evolved in Sārnāth since preaching of four noble truth to the construction of D...
View full detailsThe Song Of The Loom: Weaver Folk Traditions in South India
Vijaya Ramaswamy
The Song of the Loom tells the story of the hoary tradition of textile weaving in south India from the perspective of the weavers. It is a narrative from below, mediated through the author’s interaction with the weavers and more specially, with th...
View full detailsRitual, Caste, And Religion In Colonial South India
Michael Bergunder
This volume attempts detailed analyses of Tamil and Telugu sources to explore the impact of notions of rituals, caste and religion in the formation of social, cultural and religious identities of the society of colonial south India. Within the Tam...
View full detailsRiver, Society and Culture: Environmental Perspectives on the Rivers of Assam and Bengal
Rup Kumar Barman
South Asia’s river systems are known for their multiple topographies and varied geography. There are several transnational rivers that flow to eastern and north-eastern India through Bhutan, Nepal and China. Geological and environmental changes; t...
View full detailsBhangarh ki Atmkatha: Ek Aitihasik Mulyankan
Surajbhan Bharadwaj
Hindi Ratna Part 2 (Class 4)
Lata Rajesh, Niyas Begum
A Portrait Of The Brain
Adam Zeman
Zafar and The Raj: Anglo-Mughal Delhi c. 1800-1850
Amar Farooqui
Writing Resistance: The Rhetorical Imagination of Hindi Dalit Literature
Laura Brueck
Winning the Publications Game
Tim Albert
Weaving Hierarchies: Handloom Weavers in Early Twentieth Century United Provinces
Santosh Kumar Rai
Voyage To Modernism Syed Ahmed Khan
Mushirul Hasan, Nishat Zaidi
Vande Mataram: The Biography of a Song
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
Understanding The Novel
Albeena Shakil
Understanding Drama: A Student Companion
R.J. Cardullo
Understanding Drama: A Student Companion
Cardullo, R.J.
Tumours Of The Skull Base And Paranasal Sinuses
Ziv Gil, Dan M. Fliss
Trade and Politics on the Coromandel Coast: Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries
Seshan R
Trade And Politics On The Coromandel Coast In The Seventeenth And Early Eighteenth Centuries
Radhika Seshan
Trade and Commerce in Colonial Bombay: A History of the Emergence of its Business and Financial Establishments, c.1661–1935
Meenu Kanojia
Traces Of Empire: India, America and Postcolonial Cultures : Essays and Criticism
Ashok Aima, Vinay Chauhan, Jaya Bhasin
Thuggee: Banditry and the British in Early Nineteenth-Century India
Kim A. Wagner
The Social History Of Health And Medicine In Colonial India
Biswamoy Pati
The Sixth Finger
Malayatoor Ramakrishnan
The Scent of Happiness : Novel
R. Vatsala
The Rite of Seeing: Essays on Kūṭiyāṭṭam
David Shulman
The Rise of Islam & The Bengal Frontier 1204-1760
Richard M. Eaton
The Mughals, the Portuguese and the Indian Ocean
Pius Malekandathil
The Making of Regions in Indian History: Society, State and Identity in Premodern Odisha
Bhairabi Prasad Sahu
The Mahabharata
Meera Uberoi
The Go-Between and Other Stories
Ghanshyam Desai
The crisis of 1974
The Colonail State: Theory & Practices
The Colonial State and Forms of Knowledge: The British in India
Vinay Lal
The Bells are Ringing in Haridwar
M Mukundan