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On Poetry
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book This volume includes two long essays—the first explores the poetry of Negritude by analysing the work of several Black poets of the time; thesecond, a meditation on the poetry of renowned French author FrancisPonge (1899–1988), ...
View full detailsNationalism And The Imagination
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
About the Book Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has distinguished herself as one of the foremost scholars of contemporary literary and postcolonial theory and feminist thought. Known for her translation of Derrida's On Grammatology and her groundbreakin...
View full detailsOn Camus
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book Sartre met Albert Camus in Occupied France in 1943—an odd pair: onefrom the upper reaches of French society; the other, a pied-noir borninto poverty in Algeria. The love of ‘freedom’ brought them togetherquickly as closest of ...
View full detailsOn Modern Art
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book Sartre was a prodigious commentator on contemporary art, as is evidentfrom the short but incisive essays that make up this important volume.Sartre examines the work of a wide range of artists here, includingrecognized masters such a...
View full detailsDangerous Outcast: The Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century Bengal
Sumanta Banerjee
Dangerous outcast traces prostitution in Bengal from precolonial times through the arrival of the British, examining how the profession was reordered to suit British desires. Drawing on nineteenth-century popular and folk culture, Sumanta Banerjee...
View full detailsVsevolod Pudovkin: Selected Essays
Richard Taylor
Vsevolod Pudovkin (1893-1953) was one of the leading Soviet film directors in the 'golden age' of silent cinema in the 1920s. His films - especially The Mother, The End of St Petersburg and Storm over Asia - are classics of silent cinema. Like Eis...
View full detailsOn Bataille and Blanchot
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book ‘There is a crisis of the essay,’ begins Sartre as he ventures into a longanalysis of how the work of one of his contemporaries who might savethis form—Geroges Bataille. He reviews Aminadab, the important workof another hugely...
View full detailsAranyak : of the Forest
Bandyopadhyay B
About the Book Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay was one of the greatest writers in modern Bengali literature, best known for his autobiographical novel Pather Panchali, which, along with another of Bandyopadhyay’s books, formed the basis for Satyaji...
View full details"Masculine, Feminine, Neuter" and Other Writings on Literature
Roland Barthes, Chris Turner
A major collection of essays and interviews from an iconic 20th-century philosopher in five volumes, now all available together in paperback. Roland Barthes was a restless, protean thinker. A constant innovator―often as a daring smuggler of idea...
View full detailsThe Scandal Of Marxism: Essays and Interviews
Roland Barthes
The Last Resistance
Jacqueline Rose
A bravura exploration of politics and writing in dark times. In "The Last Resistance," Jacqueline Rose explores the power of writing to create and transform our political lives. In particular Rose examines the role of literature in the Zionist ima...
View full detailsSigns and Images – Writings on Art, Cinema and Photography
Roland Barthes, Chris Turner
A major collection of essays and interviews from an iconic 20th-century philosopher in five volumes, now all available together in paperback. Roland Barthes was a restless, protean thinker. A constant innovator—often as a daring smuggler of idea...
View full detailsPostwar Revolt Of The Rural Poor In Bengal: Memoirs of a Communist Activist
Abani Lahiri
Interview with the communist and political leader of West Bengal, India, chiefly on the 1930-1940, political situation in the state.
On Revolution
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book On Revolution includes a long essay in two parts in which Sartre dwellsupon the ‘myth’ of revolution and goes on to analyse revolutionary ideasin fascism and, especially, Marxism. In the second essay, he examinesthe figure of th...
View full detailsOn Novels and Novelists
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book We find ourselves face to face with Sartre the literary critic in thiscollection of brief but insightful essays that carefully examine the worksof renowned French writers such as François Mauriac, Nathalie Sarraute,Jean Giraudoux, ...
View full detailsLogic in a Popular Form: Essays on Popular Religion in Bengal
Sumanta Banerjee
About the Book Taking its title from Karl Marx’s description of religion as the world’s “logic in a popular form,†This book explores the hidden logic behind popular religions in nineteenth-century Bengal. Sumanta Banerjee examines cross-r...
View full detailsConversations with Edward Said
Tariq Ali
About the Book In one of his last interviews, Edward Said speaks with Tariq Ali about his dislocated existence, his initiation into politics, his involvement with the Palestinian cause, his approach to the study of culture, and his pervasive love ...
View full detailsOutcast: Four Stories
Mahasweta Devi
Outcast Four Stories
Somnath Hore, S. Zutshi
In the winter of 1946, somenath hore, one of India's major painter-sculptors, was assigned by the Communist party to document the tebhaga movement in North Bengal. A young art student at the time, hore witnessed the massive mobilization taking pla...
View full detailsGhashiram Kotwal
Vijay Tendulkar
Simply A Particular Contemporary: Essays and Interviews
Roland Barthes
A Very Fine Gift: Essays and Interviews
Roland Barthes
The Fate Of Rural Hell
Benedict Anderson
In 1975, when political scientist Benedict Anderson reached Wat Phai Rong Wua, a massive temple complex in rural Thailand conceived by Buddhist monk Luang Phor Khom, he felt he had wandered into a demented Disneyland. One of the world’s most biz...
View full detailsThe Screams of War: Selected Poems (The Arab List)
Akram Alkatreb, Jonas Elbousty
Lyrical and powerful poems that serve as a powerful reminder of the human cost of war. “Those who believe in the currency of patience / Were burned out in the alleyway.” The Screams of War is a visceral collection of poems that confront the real...
View full detailsThe Idea Of Communism
Tariq Ali
About the Book November 9, 2009 will mark 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the monumental event that signaled the beginning of the end of Communism in the former Soviet Union. Yet, why was this collapse of Communism considered final, bu...
View full detailsThe Coming Of The Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800
Henri-Jean Martin Lucien Febvre
Books, and the printed word more generally, are aspects of modern life that are all too often taken for granted. Yet the emergence of the book was a process of immense historical importance and heralded the dawning of the epoch of modernity. In th...
View full detailsThe Assassination
Tariq Ali
About the Book Who killed Mrs Gandhi? We know the name of the assassins, but did they act alone? In this fictional film script, Tariq Ali suggests that larger forces were at work, exploiting genuine Sikh grievances to settle their own score with a...
View full detailsSailing On The Sea Of Love: The Music of the Bauls of Bengal
Charles Capwell
About the Book Based on fieldwork carried out in West Bengal, Sailing on the Sea of Love is a pioneering study of the songs of the Baul --a Bengali religious sect, widely beloved for its enchanting music. Charles Capwell describes the role Baul so...
View full detailsRue Traversiere
Yves Bonnefoy
About the Book Praised by Paul Auster as "one of the rare poets in the history of literature to have sustained the highest level of artistic excellence throughout an entire lifetime," Yves Bonnefoy is widely considered the foremost French poet of ...
View full detailsRudali: From Fiction to Performance
Mahasweta Devi
Rudali from Fiction to Performance
Political Fictions
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book Political Fictions includes Sartre’s long foreword to André Gorz’s The Traitor, which has often been called the most intimate and profound book to emerge from the existentialist movement. Sartre also presents a detailed portra...
View full detailsPoetry and Photography
Yves Bonnefoy
About the Book The international community of letters mourns the recent death of Yves Bonnefoy, universally acclaimed as one of France's greatest poets of the last half-century. A prolific author, he was often considered a candidate for the Nobel ...
View full detailsPeople Of India - West Bengal Part- Ii (Vol. 43)
K. S. Singh
The Anthropological Survey of India launched the People of India project on 2 October 1985 to generate an anthropological profile of all communities of the country. It also recorded the impact of developmental programmes on these communities and t...
View full detailsPeople Of India - Bihar Part Ii
K. S. Singh
Party Fun with Kant
Nicolas Mahler
About the Book Thousands upon thousands of books have been written about Immanuel Kant since his death. None, let’s be clear, have been quite like what we have here. In Party Fun with Kant, Nicolas Mahler tells the story of Kant and his fellow s...
View full detailsOn American Fiction
Jean-Paul Sartre
About the Book Sartre’s engagement with literature of his day extended well beyondthe works of his French contemporaries. This short volume testifies tohis astonishing grasp of the nuances of American fiction as he analyzesthree of the most impo...
View full detailsMasculine, Feminine, Neuter And Other Writings On Literature: Essays and Interviews (Vol. 3)
Roland Barthes
About the Book Last season, Seagull Books published the first three volumes in a new series collecting essays and interviews by the late French thinker Roland Barthes. This season they’ll bring the five-volume set to completion with the publicat...
View full detailsLudwig'S Room
Alois Hotschnig
About the Book When Kurt Weber inherits his great-uncle's lakeside house, he finds traces of the dark secrets of his family's past. The early inhabitants of the house haunt his dreams nightly. And one day a ghostlike woman appears before him, hidi...
View full detailsLiving Translation: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Emily Apter, Avishek Ganguly, Mauro Pala
About the Book Living Translation offers a powerful perspective on the work of distinguished thinker and writer Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, revealing how, throughout her long career, she has made translation a central concern of the comparative hu...
View full detailsGuilty Males And Proud Females: Negotiating Genders in a Bengali Festival
Fabrizop Ferrari
About the Book Guilty Males and Proud Females is the first complete study on the Bengali gajan festival dedicated to Dharmaraj, a village god in the Rarh region of Bengal. The gajan is the dramatic representation of an hierogamy--the marriage of a...
View full detailsConversations with Jean-Paul Sartre
Sartre Jean-Paul
City Flicks: Indian Cinema and the Urban Experience
Preben Kaarsholm
About the Book The relationship between cinema and modernity in the Indian context is both complex and multifaceted. In this volume, some of the leading names in film and cultural studies explore its many dimensions. The essays range from discussi...
View full detailsThis Strange Idea of the Beautiful
François Jullien
Bringing together ideas of beauty from both Eastern and Western philosophy, François Jullien challenges the assumptions underlying our commonly agreed-upon definition of what is beautiful and offers a new way of beholding art. Jullien argues that ...
View full detailsUlysses
Nicolas Mahler, Alexander Booth
A twist on the Irish literary classic Ulysses, told through Nicolas Mahler’s distinctive graphic novel style. Dublin, 16 June 1904: through a day in the life of the advertising agent Leopold Bloom and the sensations of the ordinary, James Joyce cr...
View full detailsSuspended Passion: Interviews
Marguerite Duras
A controversial figure of the post-war French literary and cultural scene, Marguerite Duras has exerted a powerful hold on readers around the world. This volume of interviews—hailed on its French publication as Duras’s “secret confession”—offers r...
View full detailsIn Conversation with Klaus Dermutz
Anselm Kiefer
“I think in pictures. Poems help me with this. They are like buoys in the sea. I swim to them, from one to the other. In between, without them, I am lost. They are the handholds where something masses together in the infinite expanse.”—Anselm Kief...
View full detailsFriendship as Social Justice Activism
Niharika banerjea
Friendship as Social Justice Activism brings together academics and activists to have essential conversations about friendship, love and desire as kinetics for social justice movements. The contributors featured here come from across the globe and...
View full detailsCorrespondence : Pablo Picasso
Picasso Pablo
Pablo Picasso and Gertrude Stein. Few can be said to have had as broad an impact on European art in the twentieth century as these two cultural giants. Pablo Picasso, a pioneering visual artist, created a prolific and widely influential body of wo...
View full detailsThe Sex of the Angels the Saints in their Heaven
Raoul Schrott
Breviaries, books of standard religious readings for particular denominations, are a familiar genre with a long pedigree. But you’ve definitely never seen a breviary like this one. The Sex of the Angels is a playful, often ironic take on the brevi...
View full detailsHypnos
Rene Char
Hailed by the poet Paul eluard as an ‘absolute masterpiece’ upon its first appearance in 1946, René char’s hypnos is both a remarkable work of literature and a document of unique significance in the history of the French resistance. Based on a jou...
View full detailsReadings
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Throughout her distinguished career, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has sought to locate and confront shifting forms of social and cultural oppression. As her work shows, the best method for doing so is through extended practice in the ethics of readi...
View full detailsWhy Marx Was Right
Terry Eagleton
Reason Faith And Revolution
Terry Eagleton
Towards A Revolutionary Theatre
Utpal Dutt
Utpal Dutt (1929–93), playwright, director and actor, an inspiration and role model for the activist theatre person. Whether through the proscenium theatre, street performance, the traditional strolling theatre-in-the-round, or cinema, Dutt tried ...
View full detailsFrom A To X: A Story in Letters
John Berger
Special Features: Publishers Weekly vol. 255 iss. 32 p. 31 (c) 08/11/2008 Berger is a Booker prize winner, art critic, journalist, essayist and the acclaimed author of Ways of Seeing . His latest is an epistolary novel that concerns two characters...
View full detailsThe Phobic And The Erotic: The Politics of Sexualities in Contemporary India
Subhabrata Bhattacharyya
Phobic And The Erotic: The Politics Of Sexualities In Contemporary India
Bait - Four Stories, Mahasweta Devi
S. Banerjee
‘It is these hoodlums and desperadoes, the derelicts and drifters of the Bengali underworld as well as their political patrons and protectors in the police, whom Mahasweta brings to life with her caustic pen in the pages of these stories. As she p...
View full detailsStudiolo - PB
Giorgio Agamben
A brief study of select Western art from Italy’s foremost philosopher. In Renaissance palaces, the studiolo was a small room to which the prince withdrew to meditate or read, surrounded by paintings he particularly loved. This book is a kind of s...
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