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Raw Milk: Balance Between Hazards and Benefits 1ed:
Luís Nero
Neonatology Questions and Controversies: Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Josef Neu
Neonatology Questions and Controversies: Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Medicine for the Outdoors: The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergencies
Tate Higgins
Federal Data Science: Transforming Government and Agricultural Policy using Artificial Intelligence
Ruixin Yang
NMR Case Studies: Data Analysis of Complicated Molecules
Jeffrey H Simpson
Environmental Geochemistry: Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories
Harvey Belkin, Annamaria Lima
Innovative Technologies for Food Preservation: Inactivation of Spoilage and Pathogenic Microorganisms
Anderson Sant'Ana, Vibeke Orlien, Mohamed Koubaa
Elementary Linear Algebra
Comprehensive Materials Finishing
Saleem Hashmi
Year Book: Year Book of Medicine 2009
James A. Barker, Seth M. Berney
Writing Effective Business Rules
Graham C. Witt
Workplace Security Essentials: A Guide for Helping Organizations Create Safe Work Environments
Eric N. Smith
Women in the Security Profession: A Practical Guide for Career Development
Sandi J Davies
Wireless Reconnaissance In Penetration Testing: Using Scanners to Monitor Radios During Penetration Test
Matthew Neely
Wireless Public Safety Networks 3: Applications and Uses
Navid Nikaein
Water Scarcity and Sustainable: Agriculture in Semiarid Environment: Tools Strategies and Challenges for Woody Crops 1ed:
Garcia Tejero Ivan Francisco
Well Testing Project Management: Onshore and Offshore Operations
Paul J. Nardone
Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices: Applications and Challenges
Dey Nilanjan
Water Quality in the Third Pole: The Roles of Climate Change and Human Activities
Sharma Chhatra Mani
Water Policy Science and Politics: An Indian Perspective
Kumar M. Dinesh
Volcanic Reservoirs In Petroleum Exploration
Caineng Zou
Volcanic Gas Reservoir Characterization
Qiquan Ran, Others
Virus as Populations: Composition Complexity Quasispecies Dynamics and Biological Implications
Domingo Esteban
Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Eco-Engineering Systems For Wastewater And Sludge Treatment
Alexandros Stefanakis
Verbal Minds: Language and the Architecture of Cognition
Toni Gomila
Valorization of Fruit Processing By-products
Galanakis Charis
Validating Preventive Food Safety and Quality Controls: An Organizational Approach to System Design and Implementation
John M. Ryan
Up and Running with AutoCAD 2020
Gindis Elliot
Untangling Smart Cities: From Utopian Dreams to Innovation Systems for a Technology-Enabled Urban Sustainability
Mora Luca
Urban Landscape Entomology
Held David
Urban Mobility: Planning Finance and Implemention 1ed:
Agarwal Om Prakash
Urban Fuel Poverty
Fabbri Kristian
Understanding Uniqueness and Diversity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health: 1ed:
Hodes Matthew
Underground Engineering: Planning Design Construction and: Operation of the Underground Space 1ed
Yun Bai
Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa: Plants with Therapeutic Potential for Human Health
Lall Namrita
Unconventional Oilseeds and Oil Sources
Abdalbasit Adam Mariod Alnadif, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed Mirghani, Ismail Hassan Hussein
Ultracold Bosonic And Fermionic Gases
Kathy Levin
Two-Dimensional Nanostructures for Biomedical Technology: A Bridge between Material Science and Bioengineering
Khan Raju
Turbulence In Porous Media: Modeling and Applications
Marcelo de Lemos
Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps and their Systems: 2ed
Palgrave Ron
Trends of Environmental Forensics in Pakistan
Iftikhar Shazia
Treatise On Geomorphology
J. Shroder
Treatise On Estuarine And Coastal Science
D. McLusky, Eric Wolanski
Transport in Shale Reservoirs
Lee Kun
Transport Infrastructure and Economic Development: Theory Models and: Empirical Evidence 1ed:
Ferrari Claudio
Transportation Policy and Economic Regulation: Essays in Honor of Theodore Keeler
James Bitzan
Transportation and Public Health: An Integrated Approach to Policy Planning and Implementation
Meyer M. D.
Translational Medicine: A Biomaterials Approach 1ed:
Yang Lei