Beverly J. DeMarr, Ph.D., is Professor of Management at Ferris State University. She received her Doctorate in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from Michigan State University. She has been recognized multiple times for teaching excellence and currently teaches courses in Negotiation, Human Resource Management, and Compensation. She has published in Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Human Relations, Public Personnel Management, and International Journal of Conflict Management. She is an active member of the Academy of Management and the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. She was appointed by the Academy of Management Board of Governors to serve as the chair of the all-academy Teaching Theme Committee for 2016–2019.
Professor DeMarr was an elected union representative for eight years, negotiating labor contracts and representing constituents in a wide variety of disputes. She has served as a community mediator for more than 100 general civil, employment, civil rights, domestic relations (divorce, parenting time), and restorative justice (victim–offender) cases and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Westshore Dispute Resolution Center.
Suzanne C. de Janasz, Ph.D., is currently a Visiting Professor of Management and Conflict Analysis and Resolution (a joint appointment) at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Previously, Suzanne served as the Thomas Gleed Distinguished Chair of Business Administration at Seattle University in Seattle, Washington, where she taught undergrad and MBA students, mentored junior faculty, and directed the Seattle branch of HERA (Her Equality Rights and Autonomy), a UK-based charity which empowers formerly trafficked or exploited women with career and entrepreneurship development and mentoring. Prior to coming to Seattle, Suzanne was Professor of Leadership and Organization Development at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, where she designed and delivered programs for mid-level and senior executives in global companies, specializing in leadership, negotiations, mentoring and careers, organizational development and change, creativity/innovation, work–life balance, entrepreneurship, and interpersonal/ managerial skills. The recipient of multiple teaching awards, including the 2017 Mid-Career Distinguished Educator Award from the OBTS Teaching Society for Management Educators and a Fulbright Fellowship (Warsaw University in Poland), Suzanne continues to teach executives around the world (on five continents!) for ESMT (Berlin, Germany) and other schools (e.g., IEDC in Slovenia, QUT in Australia). Suzanne’s research on mentoring, careers, authenticity, work–family conflict, and leadership appears in journals such as Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, British Journal of Management, Career Development International, and Journal of Management Education and features frequently in domestic and international newspapers, online publications (she’s a featured blogger for Huffington Post), and radio programs. The sixth edition of her text Interpersonal Skills in Organizations (coauthored with Karen Dowd and Beth Schneider) will be published in early 2018. She regularly consults with a variety of global organizations, serves on the boards of several nonprofit organizations, and has held leadership roles in the Academy of Management (e.g., Careers Division Chair), the Southern Management Association, and the OBTS. After earning an undergraduate music degree from the University of Miami, Suzanne earned her MBA and Ph.D. degrees from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (USC). Between the two degrees, she worked for five years as an organizational consultant in the aerospace industry.