‘What is this Ego and why is there so much of it everywhere?’
Our ego is like an invisible but tangible bubble which we project around ourselves, based on our own impression of our abilities and worth. This book shows how our abilities and sense of worth combine in the ego to determine our actions and interactions.
Suffering toxic emotions while nursing ego-wounds, reacting and regretting can all be prevented. Get the Ego Advantage! outlines a simple approach that can easily be applied to real-life situations to help us understand the puzzling reactions we come across in other people. It also explores ego clashes in professional life, ways to balance individual and team identity, leadership, and issues such as rigid attitudes, prejudice and alienation. The author provides illuminating insights into complex concepts like self-esteem, true love, parental love, arrogance and narcissism.
With Abu, an original cartoon character, to guide you through the book, it will be an entertaining as well as useful read for both the general and the professional reader.