Forundergraduate courses in Mechanical, Industrial, Metallurgical, and MaterialsEngineering Programs or for graduate courses in Manufacturing Science andEngineering.
ManufacturingProcesses for Engineering Materials addressesadvances in all aspects of manufacturing, clearlypresenting comprehensive, up-to-date, and balanced coverage of thefundamentals of materials and processes. With the 6th Edition in SIUnits, students learn to properly assess the capabilities, limitations, andpotential of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects. The authorspresent information that motivates and challenges students to understand anddevelop an appreciation of the vital importance of manufacturing in the modernglobal economy. The numerous examples and case studies throughout the book helpstudents develop a perspective on the real-world applications of the topicsdescribed in the book. As in previous editions, this text maintains the samenumber of chapters while continuing to emphasize the interdisciplinary natureof all manufacturing activities, including the complex interactions amongmaterials, design, and manufacturing processes.
SeropeKalpakjian is professor emeritus of mechanical and materialsengineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He is the author of MechanicalProcessing of Materials and co-author of Lubricants andLubrication in Metalworking Operations (with E.S. Nachtman); bothof the first editions of his textbooks Manufacturing Processesfor Engineering Materials and ManufacturingEngineering and Technology have received the M. Eugene MerchantManufacturing Textbook Award. He has conducted research in various areas of manufacturing,is the author of numerous technical papers and articles in handbooks and encyclopedias,and has edited several conference proceedings. He also has been editor and co-editorof various technical journals and has served on the editorial board ofEncyclopedia Americana.
Amongother awards, Professor Kalpakjian has received the Forging IndustryEducational and Research Foundation Best Paper Award, the Excellence inTeaching Award from lIT, the ASME Centennial Medallion, the InternationalEducation Award from SME, A Person of the Millennium Award from lIT; the AlbertEaston White Outstanding Teacher Award from ASM International, and the 2016 SMEGold Medal. The Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, by SME, in 2001,was named after him. Professor Kalpakjian is a Life Fellow ASME, Fellow SME,Fellow and Life Member ASM International, Fellow Emeritus the InternationalAcademy for Production Engineering (CIRP), and is a founding member and pastpresident of NAMRI. He is a graduate of Robert College (High Honor, Istanbul),Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute Technology.
StevenR. Schmid is professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineeringat the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches and conducts research in thegeneral areas of manufacturing, machine design, and tribology. He received his from Illinois Institute of Technology (with Honors) and Master’s andPh.D. degrees from Northwestern University, all in mechanical engineering. Hehas received numerous awards, including the John T. Parsons Award from SME, theNewkirk Award from ASME, the Kaneb Center Teaching Award (three times), and theRuth and Joel Spira Award for Excellence in Teaching.
ProfessorSchmid served as the President of the North American Manufacturing ResearchInstitution (NAMRI, 2015-2016) and was appointed the first Academic Fellow atthe Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, U.S. Department ofCommerce, where he helped design the National Network for ManufacturingInnovation. Dr. Schmid is the author of over 140 technical papers, and hasco-authored the texts Fundamentals of Machine Elements, Fundamentals of FluidFilm Lubrication, and Manufacturing Engineering and Technology.