Newly married Tara struggles through the formative years of advocacy, attempting to balance her roller coaster professional and personal life. She soon discovers that material success matters, yet selfless pursuits often yield greater satisfaction and inner peace. She persistently chooses the tumultuous path of right action, unattached to the outcome, often leaving it to fate. Her patience is suitably rewarded each time.
Story of a Young Lawyer presents serious social issues in a light and enjoyable manner, full of drama, suspense and humour. Readable by all, the story is a riveting account of a contemporary woman’s concerns, punctuated heavily by a commentary on the modern judicial system.
Through this book the author has ably presented the issues affecting the life of women professionals. The captivating narrative, together with a scientific, analytical and businesslike insight, makes it a very educative and enlightening reading.
Panchajanya Batra Singh is a practicing advocate with varied interests. Born and bred in New Delhi, she traveled extensively since her childhood, accumulating knowledge and experience, besides enthusiastically pursuing her academic goals. A gifted writer, she believes that knowledge illuminates reality. Through her writing she throws light on the challenges confronted by a new lawyer, and demystifies the much misunderstood profession of advocacy.