The Rights of Man emerged out of a student-teacher relationship. It started as an educational translation project for Neilesh Bose who, in 2001, had just started as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Drama and Dance at Tufts University, Massachusetts. Sudipto Chatterjee then was a relatively new Assistant Professor there and Neilesh was his first graduate student advisee. Neilesh, an American student of Bengali descent, had come to the programmed with the intention of pursuing a doctoral research project on twentieth-century Bengali drama, but needed to strengthen his skills in speaking and reading Bengali. Translating Maartusher Adhikare was an ideal project considering what needed to be achieved in educational terms. It would expose Neilesh directly to the rhythms of contemporary Bengali drama by means of a landmark play in its history. Neilesh had a special interest in this play as it concerned facets of American civil rights.