About the Book <em>Humans on the Run</em> is an attempt to preserve memories of several microscopic journeys embarked upon by humans, in time and space, often under conditions of utter and complete hopelessness. A collection of 24 stories that narrate first-person accounts of migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers affected by multiple displacements due to political or sectarian strife across several countries: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Eritrea, and South Sudan. <p/>Individuals in flight, long disconnected from the certitudes of a settled, anchored existence, map their journeys when moving to the next village, town, city, country, or continent, in the hope of beating certain death, sustained denigration, and systematic abuse. The stories take the reader to the heart of human existence, capturing a sliver of the textured human experiences encapsulated in each person on the run as a result of raging conflict in her or his backyard.<br>