About the Book The Indian diaspora is increasingly engaging with the homeland by forming a range of migrant organizations ― organizations constituting a growing sector of non-State actors who engage with the host country and the country of origin in a sustained and profound way. Research on migrant organizations tends to focus only on transnational migrant organizations in host countries. Indian Migrant Organizations analyses a set of local and transnational organizations formed by Indian migrants, whose activities include mobilizing resources and connections and engaging in numerous development initiatives in India, and studies their engagement particularly in the Indian healthcare and education sectors. In particular, the book discusses how these organizations have evolved, what kind of healthcare and educational projects and activities they are carrying out, and how such collective efforts are affecting development dynamics in India. About the Author Md Mizanur Rahman</b> is Associate Professor at the Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, Qatar. Dr. Rahman is a sociologist by training, working on migration and development, diaspora engagement, migrant businesses, labor migration, migration policy, and migrant remittances. His recent research monograph is titled Bangladeshi Migration to Singapore: A process-oriented approach (Springer, 2017). His research articles have appeared in leading migration and population journals such as International Migration, Journal of International Migration and Integration, Population, Space and Place and many more. He is a member of the Migration Research Leaders Syndicate for the 2018 Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, formed and spearheaded by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Migration Agency, based in Geneva. Rakesh Ranjan is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Development Practice and Research, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India. His research interests include international migration, migrant remittances, refugee, diaspora philanthropy, and immigrant entrepreneurship. He has worked with the India Centre for Migration, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, and the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism, New Delhi. He has been involved in various editorial committees and policymaking groups in India.