About the Book: Qualitative Research: 3rd Edition This hugely successful textbook has been fully updated andrevised to make it even more accessible and comprehensive. Newchapters have been added on a range of key topics, includinggrounded theory, research ethics and systematic review. This book draws on a stellar list of leading qualitativeresearchers, each of whom is writing on their own specialized areain qualitative research, but doing so in a way that is clear andaccessible to students and those new to the field of qualitativemethods. All chapters also have added features - such as internet links,questions for readers and recommended readings. Alongside itsengaging and accessible style, these new features make QualitativeResearch the ideal textbook for all students working within thisfield. This is a comprehensive and accessible first text on qualitativemethods that boasts a whos who of leading qualitativemethodologists and is a must-have book for any student involved indoing research. Contents I: INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION Introducing Qualitative Research II: OBSERVATION Ethnography Using Ethnography to Study Gender Organizational Ethnography III: TEXTS Analyzing Documentary Realities Using Documents in Social Research Internet Research IV: Interviews and focus groups The Inside and the Outside: Finding Realities in Interviews Animating Interview Narratives Analyzing Focus Group Data V: TALK Discursive Psychology and the Study of Naturally OccurringTalk Conversation Analysis: Practices and Methods VI: Visual data Conceptualizing Visual Data Embodied Action: Video and the Analysis of SocialInteraction VII: Qualitative data analysis Some Pragmatics of Qualitative Data Grounded Theory and Credibility Whats Different about Narrative Inquiry? Cases, Categories andContexts Systematic Reviews and Qualitative Methods Mary dixon-woods Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data Clive seale Validity in Research on Naturally Occurring SocialInteraction Three Aspects of