Abnormal Psychology
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There is hardly a field so vital and changing as abnormal psychology. This classic textbook deals with a comprehensive and up-to-date real-world overview of the subject of abnormal psychology. The book highlights the basic concepts of the subject with lucid writing style and superior pedagogy. A number of books have been written by authors in the West on Abnormal Psychology. These books, while presenting the principles of the subject, explain it mostly with the examples drawn from their own environment. Though psychology is based upon universal principles, its understanding requires assimilation of its principles with reference to the local environment. In this book an attempt has been made to present the principles of abnormal psychology in the context of Indian circumstances. The aim of the present study is to provide the undergraduate and postgraduate students with an ideal textbook of Abnormal Psychology. Efforts have been made to cover the syllabi of almost all the Indian Universities. However, all unnecessary details have been scrupulously avoided so that the book may not become unnecessarily bulky. Analytical and pedagogical methods of presentation have been followed to explain the subject matter and holistic approach has been adopted to conclude the controversial matters. At the end of each chapter, questions for exercise drawn from latest question papers of different universities have been given.
Rachana Sharma, M.A., Ph.D., a brilliant student throughout her distinguished carrier, has written a number of books on psychology and management.