Anti-Terrorism Laws: India, the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel (Vol. 2)
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Terrorism now has become a world-wide phenomenon. During the last two decades the world has been marked by an increasing number of terrorist attacks. Terrorism occurs when a group, whether holding governmental office, or outside government, resolves to pursue a set of ideological objectives by methods which not only subvert or ignore the requirements of domestic and international law, but which rely for their success primarily upon the threat or use of violence. There are now over one lakh jehadis all over the Islamic world, in Afghanistan, Kashmir, Albania, Chechnaya (Russia), Xin-jiang (China), Central Asia and elsewhere. The United Nations has mandated that all states must adopt necessary legal instruments “to prevent terrorism and strengthen international cooperation in combating terrorism.” Unfortunately the Bill for converting the anti-terrorism ordinance of India (Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance) into an Act could not be introduced in the 2001 Winter Session of the Parliament due to resistance of some Opposition Parties and because of the need for unity of all Political Parties to meet with the war-like situation on the Indo-Pak horizon. The book provides information about anti-terrorism laws of important countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel etc. A study of anti-terrorism laws of these countries would be of great help in formulating a similar law for India and also in softening resistance of Opposition parties to such a law. It is hoped that the book would be found useful by the executives of the world and regional organisations, non-government organisations concerned with world peace and security, government executives and parliamentarians in different countries concerned with tackling terrorism, students of Political Science and Law and the common man interested in day-to-day world affairs.
Dr. K.R. Gupta is a well-known expert in the field of International Affairs. He has published over a dozen books and more than hundred papers in leading journals published in India and abroad. His latest publications include International Terrorism : Response of India, Pakistan and The United States, 2 Vols., International Terrorism : World Viewpoints, 2 Vols., International Terrorism : Conventions, Resolutions, Legislations, Terrorist Organisations and Terrorists, 2 Vols., World Viewpoints on National Missile Defence, 2 Vols., Selected Documents on Nuclear Disarmament, 4 Vols., Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), Issues in Indian Economy, 3 Vols., Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy, 4 Vols., World Trade Organisation [Text], 2 Vols., A Study of World Trade Organisation, GATT Accord and India : A Critical Analysis of Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and their Implications for India, GATT Accord : Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, GATT and Underdeveloped Countries, A Study of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and International Economics (5th Edition in Press). He has been teaching International Economics at the post-graduate level for about two decades at the University of Jammu and Kurukshetra University. He has also been guiding research in the field of International Economic Affairs. He worked as an Economist in private as well as in public sector at the highest level.