Campus Hr Interview Questions With Smart Answers: Fourth Eye of HR Managers
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The book is written for students of universities, colleges, and institutes pursuing their academic or professional education, either as regular students or through distance education, and will be appearing for interview for any type of jobs, either in Government institutions or in private companies, including Multinational Companies (MNCs). It will also help those preparing for interviews for admission in top management institutes, and business schools for MBA, MCA, B.Tech., etc. The book is the result of the author’s academic interaction with teachers, postgraduate students, and practicing executives and managers from all the fields of management and engineering. It aims to provide knowledge of soft skills, GD skills, interview tips, and general know-how to aspirants of lucrative positions in management and other fields. The book is based on the following simple rules of HR Interview: 1. Educate, 2. Encourage, 3. Motivate, 4. Never discourage, 5. Inspire, 6. Ignite, and 7. Develop team. Other features of the book are, emphasis on clarity and a simple, down-to-earth style; smart answers to all the questions; tips and tricks at the end of the questions as and when required; and inclusion of all possible questions-answers for appearing in interviews.
Anant Kumar Dass is national trainer, educationist and soft skills guru, for institutions and organizations. He has a BSc degree from Ranchi, DCA in Computer Science, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management in Finance and Human Resources (HR) from IISM Ranchi. He has been teaching, counselling and training students in various states of India for the last 16 years. He has been a trainer, teacher, mentor, coach, leader, friend, philosopher, guide and a professional speaker on career, management and other fields. He has also a wide experience of recruitment, selection, and placement.