Challenges Before Business Education In India
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Today, the business world feels that the Commerce graduates and post-graduates lack in right kind of skills which are needed. Now the time has come to realise the mismatch between the product and the demand. We have to adopt market orientation to our products to make them saleable. There is an urgent need to overhaul the existing business education system to cope up with the dynamic world. The problems faced by the business graduates and post-graduates are of a great concern for the students, academicians, business world and even for parents. The reasons are many and they are oriented towards classroom theoretical teaching, lack of practical and work related skills, lack of communication skills, parochial and not global in values and thinking, lack of base of information technology, etc. Against this background, an attempt is made in this volume to focus a light on the emerging challenges before business education and explore some measures to overcome these challenges.
S.S. Hugar, M.Com., Ph.D., ICWAI., has a brilliant academic career. Being a first class candidate throughout his learning life, he bagged Gold Medal at his M.Com. examination for having secured first rank. He has one book to his credit. Similarly, he has contributed more than a dozen research papers to the leading journals. At present he is Professor of Commerce, Chairman of the Post-graduate Department of Studies in Commerce, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Member of Senate and Academic Council, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka State. His areas of specialisation are Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Taxation, Banking and Finance. S.G. Hundekar is Reader in the Post-graduate Department of Studies in Commerce, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka. He has authored three books and contributed a number of research papers to various reputed journals. His main areas of interest are : Banking, Strategic Management, HRD, Co-operative Management and General Management. R.L. Hyderabad is Reader in the Post-graduate Department of Studies in Commerce, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka. He has a brilliant academic career. His articles have appeared in reputed journals. His areas of interest include Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Accounting and Finance. M.R. Shollapur is Faculty Member in the Post-graduate Department of Studies in Commerce, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka. He has a brilliant academic career. He has been actively involved in project work, teaching and research at P.G. level. He has contributed a number of research papers to various journals. His main areas of interest are Cost Accounting, Organisational Behaviour and Finance.