Computer Systems: Digital Design Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Arm Assembly Language
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This updated textbook covers digital design, fundamentals of computer architecture, and ARM assembly language. The book starts by introducing computer abstraction, basic number systems, character coding, basic knowledge in digital design, and components of a computer. The book goes on to discuss information representation in computing, Boolean algebra and logic gates, and sequential logic. The book also presents introduction to computer architecture, Cache mapping methods, and virtual memory. The author also covers ARM architecture, ARM instructions, ARM assembly language using Keil development tools, and bitwise control structure using C and ARM assembly language. The book includes a set of laboratory experiments related to digital design using Logisim software and ARM assembly language programming using Keil development tools. In addition, each chapter features objectives, summaries, key terms, review questions, and problems.
Dr. Ata Elahi is a professor of Computer Science at Southern Connecticut State University. Dr. Elahi received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1982. He is the author of the following textbooks: Computer Systems, ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments, published by Springer 2018 and 2015; ZigBee Wireless Sensor and Control Network, published by Prentice Hall, 2010; Data, Network & Internet Communications Technology, published by Thomson Learning 2006; Network Communication Technology, published by Delmar Thomson Learning 2001.