Disarmament Issues (MULTI VOL SET-2 Vols.)
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Nuclear disarmament is a complex issue. The nuclear weapons states (NWS) have made these weapons an important part in their national security architecture. The experts have asserted that nuclear wars are not winnable. Security establishments and strategic experts state that the elimination of nuclear weapons will jeopardize the security of their countries. So ran the arguments when banning and proscription of the chemical weapons were under discussion. As in that case, so in the case of nuclear weapons, what is required is the change in the mindsets. Thus, a view needs to be taken of the different countries’ position on the issue. Even if most analysts feel that the lead must come from the two major stockpile holders of this ‘abomination’, viz. the U.S.A. and Russia, it is only the collective will of the international community that may nudge these two towards the final elimination of their stocks. The book Disarmament Issues in two volumes has a wide coverage. Volume I presents various treaties including Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), Strategic Offensive Treaty (SOT); agreements, conventions, statements, speeches, remarks, etc. by eminent international leaders on disarmament issues. Volume II contains resolutions, remarks, statements and working papers on nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, nuclear tests, prevention of war, etc. The book also offers a comprehensive Introduction that analyses various disarmament issues with special reference to NWS and their role in bringing about nuclear disarmament as well as India’s stance on Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), efforts to create a nuclear weapon free world, threat of nuclear terrorism and other disarmament issues. It will be useful to the students and teachers of defence and strategic studies, international relations, political science and scholars in these fields. It will also benefit policymakers, parliamentarians, government officials, etc. To those concerned with world peace and security, the book will provide for an enriching and intellectually stimulating reading.
Brig. Rahul K. Bhonsle is an alumnus of the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington and Army War College, Mhow. He has served with the Indian Army for over three decades. He was on the Chinese Front in 1986, and successively operated at the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir from 1989 onwards. He served in the critical Kargil Sector during Operation Parakram in 2002. Besides having a distinguished military career, he has to his credit a large number of books including Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear Deal (co-edited) and India Security Scope 2006: The New Great Game. He has also contributed articles in professional journals, leading magazines and national dailies. Col. Ved Prakash was commissioned into the famed Sikh Regiment of the infantry arm of the Indian Army in 1957. He served as Commanding Officer of an Assam Rifles battalion deployed on Indo-Burma (now Myanmar) border in the 1970s. He had two tenures in Ladakh in 1980s. He took part in 1962, 1965 and 1971 Wars. He has authored many books including: Intelligent Ways to Enter the NDA; The Samba Spy Scandal; and Indian Army in Sri Lanka. His more recent books include Encyclopaedia of North-East India (5 Vols.) and Nuclear Disarmament: Issues and Concerns. Dr. K.R. Gupta is a well-known economist and an expert in the field of International Affairs. He has published a large number of books, among which, the following deserve special mention: Reform of the United Nations (2 Vols.); Studies in World Affairs (2 Vols.); Global Terrorism; India-Pakistan Relations with Special Reference to Kashmir (4 Vols.); Selected Documents on Nuclear Disarmament (4 Vols.); India’s International Relations (2 Vols.); and Foreign Policy of India (2 Vols.).