Educational Psychology
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Educational psychology is the discipline concerned with teaching and learning processes by applying the methods and theories of psychology as well as its own techniques. It is distinct from other branches of psychology because it has the understanding and improvement of education as its primary goal. The book incorporates recent developments in the field of education. It covers all the facets of educational psychology including emotional, intellectual, sexual and aesthetic development. The present book is an attempt to provide a model textbook excluding all unnecessary elaborations and including whatever is required to maintain a good standard. While material has been gathered from standard works and journals, examples have been given from everyday life and narration is simple and free from technical jargon. The questions at the end of each chapter are given for preparation for examinations. This book is a must on the desk of every student of Educational Psychology.
DR. RAM NATH SHARMA, MA, D.Phil., D.Lit., President : U.P. Philosophers Association for a decade., LMI : Indian Philosophical Association and Darshan Parishad; Director : Sri Aurobindo Research Institute; Chief Editor : Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science; Head of the Department of P.G. Studies and Research at Meerut College for two decades. Guided more than two dozen Ph.D. students. Author of more than one hundred research papers and an equal number of books in the field of Education and Psychology. DR. RAJENDRA KUMAR SHARMA, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Author of more than two dozen books in the field of Sociology and Education. LMI : Indian Sociological Society and U.P. Sociology Association; teaching P.G. Classes at X.A.S. College, Meerut.