About the Book An up-to-date and authoritative one-volume reference offeringcomprehensive coverage of the biology, climatology, oceanography, geology, history and current legal, political and human aspects ofthe Antarctic continent and the surrounding ocean andislands. <p/> * Edited by Dr Bernard Stonehouse - a research scientist, writerand editor with wide-ranging field experience of Antarctica and thesouthern oceans<br> * Entries from 25 eminent contributors, writing under the directionof six advisory editors, ensures an up-to-date and authoritativepresentation<br> * Comprehensive geographical coverage, including lands, coasts, major mountain ranges and individual features, all withco-ordinates and brief descriptions, and many in-text maps<br> * Includes study guides, offering 2-3000 words on key topics, whichenable the user to follow themes of interest systematically andthematically, with key words linking to the A-Z entries within theEncyclopedia<br> * Features an eight page, fold-out coloured map section of thecontinent showing major geographical features<br> * Offers wide cross-disciplinary coverage of Antarctic and southernoceans from politics and sovereignty to marine zoology<br> * Written in a simple, straightforward style<br> Provides essential reading for all researchers and academicsworking in climatology, oceanography, geology and biology, as wellas Polar researchers