Guru Nanak'S Relationship With The Lodis And The Mughals
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This is the first axhaustive and detailed account of Guru Nanak’s direct involvement in the politics of his time. Was Guru Nanak responsible for inviting Babar to Invade India? The entire historical record has been analysed to find an authentic answer. Punjab has always continued to occupy a crucial position in the domains of the Delhi sovereigns. All political changes and revolutions occured only with the aid of Punjab. The relationship between the Sikh Gurus and the Delhi rulers which was of a mercurial nature has been discussed in detail to show that Sikhism from the very time of Guru Nanak aimed at awakening political consciousness in people to prepare them for obtaining political ascendancy. On almost every page, the reader will come across fresh information which has not been provided by any publication before. The conclusions of Dr. Gurmit Singh are in sharp contrast to the generally accepted views of the historians.
Dr. Gurmit Singh M.A., LLB., Ph.D., Director, Usha Institute of Religious Studies, Sirsa is internationally recognised authority on Sikhism. He was honoured by the All India Sikh History Board at Press Club of India, New Delhi on 30th October, 1982 for his valuable contribution to Sikh History. He is a prolific writer and has authored several books on Sikh religion, history and politics, some of which are :— A Critique of Sikhism, Islam & Sikhism, Gandhi & The Sikhs, The Versatile Guru Nanak, Sant Khalsa and Failures of Akali Leadership. He is a man of versatile interests. He is an advocate, journalist, sleuth and a practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine. He was legal advisor to the Akali Dal during the presidentship of Master Tara Singh. He is contributor to Encyclopaediae of Sikhism and has also contributed hundreds of articles to Indian and foreign journals. He lectured on Sikhism in U.S.A., Canada and Pakistan.