How To Manage Your Diabetes And Lead A Normal Life: A Book Every Diabetic Must Read
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Diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are abnormally high. Diabetes affects 15 crore people worldwide and 3 crore people in India. Diabetes is not a serious health problem if you know how to manage it. The secret of successfully managing diabetes is to know as much as possible about diabetes. It is this knowledge that helps you to take control of your diabetes, prevent complications, and lead a normal life like any other person. This book teaches you all that you have to know about diabetes, in simple language. This book covers all aspects of diabetes. It provides comprehensive knowledge about diabetes, diet, drugs, insulin, exercise, and the ways of dealing with complications of diabetes. The book helps you to learn how to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes, and limbs, and lead a completely normal life. This book makes you the master of your diabetes. By being the master of your diabetes, you decide how you live your life and let not diabetes decide how you live. The book is also useful for diabetes care nurses, diabetes educators and other paramedical personnel. Diabetic patients can draw great benefit by reading this book. Others can learn preventive measures to avoid this malady.
Manthappa M., MBBS and MD from Manipal University, is a consultant physician at Kasturba Medical College Hospital, Manipal. He has special interest in diabetes and has organized and participated in many diabetes education programs for general public. He has also authored two medical books.