Human Ecology For Globalization: New Dimensions for Economic Growth
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New dimension for Information dissemination to address the issues of sustainability, environment, ecological imbalances, depleting natural resources and widening socio-economic development process makes it imperative to solicit partnership from grass-roots to international level. To approach the issues from multiple directions, many disciplines for the management of education research with above thinking to inspire others towards a common goal that the poor must be protected to meet the basic needs. To orient the current climate with commitment for the value of life of the poor, an attempt has been made in this book to bring right institution in place for sharing knowledge resources, and facilities to cope up with the impact of globalization in order to transform not only agriculture but the entire national economy for development to a willingness to know and speak the truth about each other.
Dr. (Mrs.) Shashi Kumar received her Master of Science degree from Christ Church College, Kanpur (1965), and her Ph.D. from the University of Delhi, India (1977), on foliar studies. She has 33 years of teaching experience in Botany and Applied Botany. She has received fellowship to carry out her work at the Floriculture and Bulb Research Center (LBO), Lisse, the Netherlands; Training in Rural Extension and Teaching (TREAT) and Training in Woman Extension Workers and Agriculture (WEA), Deventer, the Netherlands; and a course on Farming System Development in Germany. Her Post-Doctorate research is related to induction of appropriate technology package in improving life support systems for small, marginal and landless women farmers of India. She has executed 22 projects funded by national and international agencies. She is the author of several National and International publications. She was a special invitee from India to present a paper on “Vegetarian diets in India” at NASA Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA in 1994. Later in 1997 she attended the Conference on “Nutrition and Food Concerns of Long Term Space Travel” organized by NASA & NJ-NSCORT at University of Houston, Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Texas, USA. In 1999 she made a country presentation on “A System Approach for Income Generation for Farm Women” at 10th Biennial International Congress of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics, ARAHE 99, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama Japan.