Indian Drama in English Translation
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This anthology contains critical articles of the famous Indian regional playwrights like Sudraka, Kalidasa, Rabindranath Tagore, Kuvempu, Gurzada Apparao, Dwijendra Lal Roy, Mohan Rakesh, Badal Sircar, Vijay Tendulkar, R. Parthasarathy, Utpal Dutt, M.M. Kalburgi, Chandrasekhar Kambara, P. Lankesh, Chandrasekhar Patil, Girish Karnad, Habib Tanvir, and Mahaweta Devi, who represent the different languages of India like Bangla, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. The play texts discussed in this anthology consist of The Little Clay-Cart, Recognition of Sakuntala, Andh Yug, A Throat for a Thumb, Kurukhetra, The Graveyard, The Sudra Ascetic, Half-way House, One Day in Ashadha, Evam Indrajit, Ghasiram Kotwal, Silence! The Court is in Session, Fall of Kalyana, Aurangzeb, Ramanujar, Legend of Nandan, Kanyasulkam, Sirisampige, Hayavadana, Tughlaq, Hunting the Sun, Fall of Mewar, Agra Bazaar, Red Oleanders, Mukta-dhara, Mother of 1082, Kannada Comedies, Kannada Absurd Drama, Sannatas and Shadow Plays of Karnataka.
Dr. Basavaraj Naikar, M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt. (California), UGC Emeritus Fellow, and former Professor and Chairman (Department of English, Karnatak University, Dharwad) is a bilingual writer who writes both in Kannada and English. He also reviews Indian literary works for World Literature Today, Oklahoma, USA, and for many Indian journals regularly. His research interests include Indian English Literature, American Literature, Commonwealth Literature, Anglo-Indian Literature, Shakespeare Studies, Translation Studies, and Comparative Literature. His critical and research articles in English and Kannada have been published in regional, national, and international journals of repute. His English publications include Indian English Literature (9 vols. set), The Sun Behind the Cloud, The Rebellious Rani of Belavadi and Other Stories, Indian Response to Shakespeare, Nirad Chaudhuri: As a Critic of Modern Culture, and Commonwealth Literature: A Kaleidoscopic Vision. His translations from the Kannada into English include Fall of Kalyana, Sangya Balya: A Tale of Love and Betrayal, The Vacanas of Sarvajna, The Holy Water, and The Frolic Play of the Lord.