Indian Economy: Before and Since the Reform (Vol. 3)
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Indian Economy: Before and Since the Reform comprises four parts: Part One discusses the Economic Reform of 1991. Part Two first delineates how countries choose between alternative economic organisations in the light of economic ideas as we have evolved and then extends the main conclusions to the Indian context before the Reform. Part Three examines the working of the Indian economy from the aggregative and sub-aggregative points of view since the Reforms. Part Four first attempts a critical stock-taking of the Reforms with reference to the first generation as well as the second generation policies and measures, then tries to evaluate their impact, and finally asks the question: What has become of the Reform process and its impact on the economy? In its general lay-out this book has been inspired by Gunnar Myrdal’s famous work Asian Drama. It is meant to be a standard reference book which would be of use to a wide range of readership. It is an analytical-cum-empirical research study. The facts and arguments are illustrated with requisite data throughout the book. It seeks to provoke the reader into adopting a critical and creative aptitude and a taste for independence of thought as far as the subject matter of this book is concerned so that the issues facing the country are reflected upon and sorted out effectively. The topics covered in the book are parts of the curricula taught in colleges and university departments. Those taking competitive tests would also benefit from it. Besides, to benefit from it would be the common readers. The book is written in a very simple and lucid manner by an author who has to his credit publication of several works on Economics during 1952-2001 and experience as a university teacher and research guide for over four decades.
K.N. Prasad (Kedarnath Prasad) had his education in Patna University (established in 1917) from Matriculation (1943) to Master of Arts in Economics (1949). He entered the Bihar Education Service in 1949 as a lecturer in Economics. Mr. Prasad was awarded the Ph.D. in Economics by the Cambridge University in 1960. In 1962 he became Reader and in 1964 University Professor. In 1975 he became Principal, Patna College. In January 1979 he moved to the university department of Economics as its Head. Between August 1979 and April 1987 he was Vice-Chancellor of Patna University twice (also Dean of the Faculty of Social Science for a term). After retirement from the University Service, in December 1989 he became Member (Economics) of the State Planning Board for a period of three years. He was also Member (Economist) of the Second Bihar Irrigation Commission upto August 1994. In the last five decades he has produced a large number of books (listed in the bibliography; extending those written in Hindi, of which five were recipients of awards during 1952-54) as well as many research papers (a few of them in international journals). He directed a number of field studies. He supervised the research work of a large number of scholars who were awarded research degrees. He was associated with numerous academic and administrative bodies and institutions, state and national. He is a widely travelled man. He was one of the earliest President of the Bihar State Economics Association.