Introduction to Multicultural Counseling for Helping Professionals
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Introduction to Multicultural Counseling for Helping Professionals, 4th edition, is the essential introductory text for studying multicultural counseling. Providing a broad survey of counseling concepts and techniques for different marginalized ethnic and cultural groups, it is at once practical and easily understood. Beyond its culture-specific sections, Introduction to Multicultural Counseling for Helping Professionals also includes chapters on a basic framework and generic concepts in multicultural counseling. Chapters include case study vignettes, exercises, and thought questions, highlighted brief topics of special interest, and additional cultural resources. The fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect an inclusive ecological framework and social justice context for counseling. It offers a broad perspective on multicultural counseling theory, including thought from other disciplines, reflections on race and Whiteness in counseling, and new contributions from diverse cultural voices. The text is supplemented with online materials, including PowerPoint slides with suggested discussion questions and classroom activities, a test bank of relevant items, and a sample course syllabus.
Wanda M.L. Lee, PhD, Professor Emerita of counseling at San Francisco State University; Asian American woman of Chinese descent with expertise in college counseling, counselor education, and university administration. Graciela L. Orozco, EdD, Professor Emerita of counseling; former coordinator of the School Counseling Program and past chair of the Department of Counseling at San Francisco State University. Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Counseling at San Francisco State University; fellow of the American Psychological Association.