Mathematical Sciences For Csir-Ugc-Net/Jrf: Previous Year's Solved Papers
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The book contains the previous years’ solved papers of CSIR-UGC-NET/JRF Mathematical Sciences from June 2005 to June 2008 and June 2011 to December 2015. Answer Keys and solution/ explanation of each questions have been provided. Besides, five practice papers of 60 questions each, under Mock Practice Tests, have also been included with Answer Keys. Solving these tests under the conditions of real examination will improve the confidence of the candidates and will give them an opportunity to judge their preparation level. The book will be useful for those preparing for CSIR-UGC-NET/JRF in the subject of Mathematical Sciences. It will also be useful for the candidates of SLET in Mathematical Sciences as it will provide a standard question bank for practice.
Atlantic Research Division is engaged in preparing quality textbooks on various subjects for postgraduate and undergraduate students pursuing various courses, as well as for those appearing in UGC-NET/SLET and other competitive examinations like CSE, Bank P.O., GATE, etc.