Meyler'S Side Effects Of Analgesics And Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
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Opioids and analgesics are members of a group of drugs used to relieve pain. They are used in combination with prescription and nonprescription pain relievers, and misuse is prevalent. This work helps pain medicine specialists and physicians in prescribing the appropriate drugs for pain therapy and for preventing misuse of the medication.
Dr Jeffrey K. Aronson is a consultant clinical pharmacologist and physician in the Department of Primary Health Care in the University of Oxford and a consultant physician in the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust. He has been associated with the Meyler series since 1977 and has published many research papers on adverse drug reactions. He is President of the British Pharmacological Society and serves on many committees concerned with drug therapy, including the Technology Appraisal Committee of the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Joint Formulary Committees of the British National Formulary and the British National Formulary for Children.