Swaraj Party And Gandhi
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The Swaraj Party formed at the Congress session held at Gay was truly organised at a general meeting of the party held at Anand Bhawan, Allahabad on 20-22 February 1923. The main political programme of the party was the council-entry by contesting elections to the central assembly and the provincial councils and to obstruct the government legislation by advancing their arguments for Swaraj. The documents selected for the text clearly depict the political ideologies of Gandhi, C.R. Das, Motilal Nehru and other contemporary leaders. Whereas Gandhi opposed the council-entry programme, the 'changers' led by C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru opposed Gandhi's ideology and supported for active membership of the councils. As there was no agreement on this issue, the Swaraj Party formulated its own manifesto under which it contested elections in 1920s. Undoubtedly the Swaraj Party did well within the framework of its constitution. It generated a new spirit of political awakening among the people and made them realise about their fundamental rights having deep linkage with the attainment of swaraj for our subcontinent.
DR. S.R. BAKSHI is an eminent scholar of Modern Indian History and is the author of several research works on Indian nationalism and the freedom movement.