The Epic Guide For NoFappists. And also an interesting and exciting book for the reader interested in some of the world's earliest ideas, and FANTASTICAL TALES, on NoFap. The World's Oldest Epic, says, "It is through NoFap of the kind described here that the celestials attained to their divinity, and sages, highly blessed and of great wisdom, have obtained the region of Brahman. It is by this that the Gandharvas and the Apsaras acquired such personal beauty, and it is through NoFap that Surya riseth to make the day. As the seekers of the philosopher's stone derive great happiness when they obtain the object of their search; those mentioned above (the celestials and others), on completing their NoFap, derive great happiness in consequence of being able to have whatever they desire. He, O king, who devoted to the practice of ascetic austerities, betaketh himself to NoFap in its entirety and thereby purifieth his body, is truly wise, for by this he becometh like a child (free from all evil passions) and triumpheth over death."What is NoFap?The NoFap trend is spreading all over the world. It now has a growing Reddit community of nearly half a million. The benefits of NoFap is leading to a ever-growing number of adherents, and might well be one of the most powerful self help tools available to the individual. And it is available for no great expenditure of money, time, and resources. Going through the ancient texts, we find NoFap at the foundation of what they describe as spiritual growth, and both physical and intellectual prowess. What then were the practical ways to achieve it? What did the Mahabahrata the world's oldest Epic have to say about it? Did the ancients find a reservoir of superpower in the human body itself? NoFap were particularly emphasized during the phase of life in which the student engaged in studies. It were as a building up of strengths for life ahead. The NoFappist, needed to develop virtues as bravery, benevolence, and so forth. The stories described it the book, describe what the ancients viewed as the necessary attributes of a NoFappist.For the Spiritual adherent, the Emperor, all, It were NoFap that brought them the strengths needed on their endeavor, and in the performance of their worldly duties. We find in the Mahabharata the Emperor Dhrtarashtra enquire about the way in which the Absolute (Brahman) is touched, "Dhritarashtra said, 'Brahman dwelleth of itself in the mind, being only discovered by NoFap; that is dwelling in the mind, it requires for its manifestation no efforts (such as are necessary for work) being manifested (of itself) during the seeking (by means of NoFap). How then is the immortality associated with the attainment of Brahman?' "Sanat-sujata said, 'Though residing in and inherent to the mind, the knowledge of Brahman is still unmanifest. It is by the aid of the pure intellect and NoFap that, that knowledge is made manifest. Indeed, having attained to that knowledge, Yogins forsake this world. It is always to be found among eminent preceptors. I shall now discourse to thee on that knowledge.'" "Dhritarashtra said, 'What should be the nature of that NoFap by which the knowledge of Brahman might be attained without much difficulty? O regenerate one, tell me this.'" Sanat-sujata said, '[The NoFappist becomes]..united with the Supreme Soul. They that in this world desirous of obtaining Immortality, do NoFap. '"For the NoFapStronautThe book features several stories from the Mahabharata where the virtues of NoFap is emphasized. An essential reading for those on the Nofapstronaut's journey.