The Special Educator’s Guide to Behavior Management
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This accessible, practitioner-focused textbook details a comprehensive classroom behavior management framework that is easy to understand and implement within a K-12 classroom. Influenced by decades of classroom teaching and special education teacher candidate preparation experiences, the book features effective evidence-based strategies designed to both prevent problem behaviors from occurring in classrooms and address challenging behaviors that presently exist or may arise. Each of the book’s four sections show readers step-by-step how to develop, implement, and evaluate a personalized behavior management plan that best meets the unique needs of their classrooms which can vary tremendously in both size and types of students served. From the first page to the last, this new text addresses the reader in a friendly, personal way in an effort to enhance accessibility and encourage them to want to understand the "what and how" of each strategy and/or process and how it relates to the overall behavioral framework laid out in section one. Ideal for both current and prospective special educators, this book supports readers in developing their own comprehensive approach to classroom behavior management that can be implemented across grade levels.
Joseph B. Ryan is the Sue Stanzione Distinguished Professor of special education at Clemson University. He has taught students with special needs from grades K through 12 across a variety of educational settings, including resource and self-contained classrooms, special day schools, and a residential treatment center. He is the founder and Executive Director of Clemson LIFE (Learning is for Everyone), a postsecondary education program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Dr. Ryan has over 100 publications and is presently a three-term editor of the journal, Beyond Behavior. His research interests focus on behavioral interventions and enhancing post-school outcomes for individuals with disabilities. He is a Fulbright Scholar, and has been interviewed by Anderson Cooper, CNN, Headline News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other leading periodicals. He has provided several U.S. Congressional Briefings on behavioral crisis interventions for schools. Paul Mooney is a professor and director of special education programs in the Louisiana State University (LSU) Lutrill & Pearl Payne School of Education. He presently teaches and directs licensure programming for preservice and inservice candidates at the main LSU campus. Dr. Mooney has co-authored more than 40 scholarly publications, including the book Instructional Practices for Students with Behavioral Disorders: Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Math (2008) with Drs. J. Ron Nelson and Gregory Benner. A former practicing school psychologist and present editor―with Dr. Ryan―of the practitioner-focused behavioral education journal, Beyond Behavior, his research interests include effective dissemination methods for research- or evidence-based academic and behavioral assessments and interventions.