A Companion To William Wordsworth (MULTI VOL SET-2 Vols.)
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This is perhaps the most comprehensive book on Wordsworth, having discussions on most of the different dimensions of the poet—as a critic, a poetic theorist, a great lover of nature, a humanist, and as a philosopher. In this book, twelve most important poems of the poet, his five ‘Lucy’ poems and also his six sonnets have been thoroughly discussed, and the texts of all the 23 poems have been given. In the three Appendices, the texts of Wordsworth’s three most important literary essays—Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1802), Appendix on Poetic Diction, and Essay Supplementary to the Preface—have been given for the reader’s ready references. The author has shunned all pedantry anywhere in the book, his primary objective being introduction of Wordsworth to the generality of readers. References have always been cited whenever quotations from critics’ books have been appropriated. Contents—Vol. 1: Preface; Life and Works; Twelve Select Poems of Wordsworth; The five ‘Lucy’ Poems of Wordsworth; Six Select Sonnets of Wordsworth; Wordsworth as a Romantic Poet; Wordsworth’s Theory of Poetry; Wordsworth as a Poet of Nature. Contents—Vol. 2: Wordsworth as a Poet of Humanity; Wordsworth as a Philosophical Poet; Wordsworth’s Style; Wordsworth as a Critic; Appreciation and Criticism of Wordsworth; Residuary Discussions on Wordsworth; Wordsworth and Coleridge; The Prelude; The Excursion; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.
Sunil Kumar Sarker holds Ph.D. in both English and Philosophy, and is a Reader in Raiganj (University) College. So far, he has published twelve books, most of which are on English literature.