Modernism (The New Critical Idiom) analyses and discusses one of the most important literary movements of the late 19th and early 20th century. This movement is modernism. Modernism was nothing short of a watershed in the field of literature. This book discusses in details the origin and impact of modernism in literature. This is an updated second version of the book.
The discusses the philosophies of important thinkers of the modernist period like Darwin, Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Saussure and Einstein. It analyses the path-breaking changes that took place in literature, movies and plays because of this movement. It also gives an overview of the modernist elements in the writings of important figures of that period like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Samuel Beckett, Nella Larsen, Gertrude Stein, Katherine Mansfield, T S Eliot, etc. The book depicts how the change from modernism to postmodernism took place gradually.
Modernism (The New Critical Idiom) is a useful book for all literature students, as well as for teachers, since it is written to be both brief and understandable and it provides a deeper understanding of a culturally significant movement of the 20th century. It was published by Routledge in its second edition in 2007 and is available in paperback.