Reading Women’s Life Writings: A Critical Appraisal
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Life writings constitute an ever-evolving genre of self-expression. Women's autobiographies, in particular, have held a place in academic discourse for some time, but it's only in the last three decades that they have begun to receive the critical attention and recognition they deserve. Visualised from the subjective lens, these chronicles of resistance offer a frank and brazen examination of the exploitative and oppressive constructions of gender that tend to limit a woman’s identity to gendered norms. Reading Women’s Life Writings: A Critical Appraisal explores women’s life writing from around the world as intricate expressions of selfhood, focusing on the life writings of notable authors such as Kamala Das, Baby Haldar, Sara Suleri, Bama, Rassundari Devi, Maxine Hong Kingston and Annie Ernaux. The book addresses new and emergent issues in life writing like the question of agency, liberty, esteem, identity and self-worth. Including fifteen essays from various scholars across the world, the anthology provides invaluable insights and a wide gamut of critical perspectives on the major themes and shifting trends in women’s life writing. It also includes multiple frames of analysis, encompassing theories of life writing and biography writing, making it useful for scholars, researchers and students of English literature.