Salman Rushdie: New Critical Insights (Vol. 1)
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Rushdie has put behind him the political and religious controversy that surrounded him in the aftermath of the appearance of The Satanic Verses. These two volumes endeavour to continue the literary-critical study of his works by bringing together some of the best critical essays written in the post-‘Verses controversy’ period. The essays present an honest assessment of Rushdie’s works by creatively engaging with the issues each of them raises.
Rajeshwar Mittapalli is Associate Professor of English at Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India. His published works of criticism include The Novels of Wole Soyinka and Indian Women Novelists and Psychoanalysis. So far he has edited 20 anthologies of literary essays. They include Post-modernism and English Literature, Indian Fiction in English, Studies in Indian Writing in English, Volume 1 & 2, Post-Independence Indian English Fiction, Commonwealth Fiction: Twenty-first Century Readings, Modern American Literature, V.S. Naipaul: Fiction and Travel Writing, Modern Criticism and IT Revolution, Globalization and the Teaching of English. Dr. Mittapalli is currently the editor of The Atlantic Literary Review published from New Delhi. He is also the ex-officio editor of Kakatiya Journal of English Studies, an official publication of the Department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal. He has published 32 articles on Indian, African and American fiction and ELT in such reputed journals as New Quest, ARTSresearch, Indian Literature, The Journal of Indian Writing in English, Commonwealth Quarterly, The Commonwealth Review and Revaluations. Joel Kuortti is Acting Professor of English at the University of Tampere, Finland. He has published three works on Rushdie: The Salman Rushdie Bibliography (1997), Place of the Sacred (1997), and Fictions to Live In (1998). Currently he is working on Indian English literature and has compiled an extensive bibliography of Indian women’s writing in English.