Studies In Literature In English (Vol. 1)
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The essays included in this volume constitute the first volume of a new series Studies in Literature in English. It is extremely fascinating to see how in different historical and cultural situations literatures produced in different countries assume different shapes notwithstanding their generic similarity in search for identity and search for roots. The spectrum of views offered in the present volume on as different authors as Dryden, Pope, Coleridge, Keats, Bronte, Dickens, Conrad, Eliot, Lawrence, Russell, and Lee Zacharias, Mark Twain, O’Neill, or Brian Moore, Coetzee, Soyinka helps us to have a glimpse of the rich variety of English literature down the ages and across the spaces. Anybody who is interested in English literature as literature, or as a function of Culture Studies, will find this book extremely interesting. Teachers, scholars, and students of English literature will also find the book useful because of the authors’ masterly handling of canonical texts.
Mohit K. Ray, a full Professor since 1982, is one of the seniormost professors in the country. He has published three books and a large number of research papers in scholarly journals in India and abroad, which reflect his wide range of scholarship including Criticism, Comparative Literature, Comparative Poetics and Translation Studies. He has also edited several books. Professor Ray is associated with many international bodies, and has attended and chaired sessions as an invited participant in different parts of the world — England, France, Austria, Finland, Estonia, America, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, etc. Professor Ray has studied several languages including Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic, French and German, etc. He edits two research journals.