Studies In Literature In English (Vol. 10)
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The twenty-one essays that constitute this Volume cover a wide range of authors and texts related to the literature in English. Starting chronologically with the good old Shakespeare, the perpetual source of research and inspiration for new critical approaches, the essays take us round the world of Macbeth and Miranda, The Duchess of Malfi, Milton’s Comus, the novels of Joyce and Lawrence, the poetry of Shelley, Keats and Dickinson, and T.S. Eliot. The essays then open up new vistas of the world of the makers of American drama: Eugene O’Neill, Arthur Miller and Edward Albee. We move on to the world of Africa through studies of Things Fall Apart and Kongi’s Harvest. Two essays present the world of Commonwealth poetry and its problems and prospects. No less interesting are the essays on some major critical issues: postmodernism, problems of interpretation, theory of novel, juvenile delinquency in the fictional world, and the dialectics of mankind and sex. Since most of the essays address authors and texts prescribed in the university syllabus, both the teachers and the students of literature in English will find this anthology interesting and useful. General readers who are interested in literature in English will also have an absorbing aesthetic experience in going through the essays included in this anthology.
Mohit K. Ray, a full Professor since 1982, is one of the seniormost Professors of English in the country. He has three books and a large number of research papers published in scholarly journals in India and abroad, which reflect his wide range of scholarship including Criticism, Comparative Literature, New Literatures, Canonical Literature, Comparative Poetics and Translation Studies. Professor Ray has attended and chaired sessions as an invited participant in many International conferences, seminars, and colloquia held in different parts of the globe—England, France, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Estonia, America, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong etc. Professor Ray has studied several languages including Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic, French, German etc. He has edited several anthologies of critical studies, and edits The Atlantic Critical Review, an international quarterly of global circulation. Professor Ray is a distinguished member of many international bodies including Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée, Paris, and Association Internationale des Critiques Littéraires, Paris. Professor Ray is, at present, the Chief Editor of Atlantic Publishers and Distributors.