This magnificent, sprawling novel, a classic of Hindi literature, spans almost an entire century in the lives of several families and generations of Kashmiri Hindus and Muslims. As it opens, Lalli, in her seventh month of pregnancy, is preparing to leave for her married home for the traditional curd ceremony. The constellation of planets is right and the moment is auspicious, it must not be lost. But even as her family prepares for her departure, there is fear in their hearts, storm clouds darken the sky and there is news of political disturbances in the city. Between them, the midwife, Khurshid and Rehman, the ensure that Lalli is safely brought to her destination and even that the pots of curd are undisturbed.
as the story unfolds, the ties between Kashmir's close-knit communities slowly begin to unravel. The politics of religion and religious identity, take centre stage and begin to spread their insidious poison in people’s lives. At the end of the novel Lalli, now a grandmother, sees a world in which the much-loved, a shared and intermeshed heritage, seems little more than a distant memory. A passionate cry for a lost legacy, Magnum Opus, winner of both the prestigious Vyas Samman and the Mahatma Gandhi Sahitya Samman, is a must-read for those interested in the story and history of Kashmir.
Chandrakanta is one of India's foremost Hindi writers, with over 50 books to her credit. Her work has been translated into many languages. The English translation of her novel, Ailan Gali Zinda Hai (a street in Srinagar) was published by Zubaan and shortlisted for the DSC award for literature in 2011. Among many other awards are the prestigious Vyas Samman (2005) and the Mahatma Gandhi Sahitya Samman (2011) as well as the Subramanya Bharathi Award. Ranjana Kaul teaches literature at the university of Delhi and translates from Hindi to English when she can find the time.