The book attempts to offer within the convenient compass of single cover, a comprehensive record of the main facts and subsidiary details of Mughal sovereignty which are to be found both in original sources and in the numerous and occasionally costly works of modern writers.
As regards the political and administrative features of the period, the account is primarily based upon well-known original sources - the Memoirs of Babur, the Memoirs of Jahangir, the immortal work of Abul-I-Fazl, and so forth. It shows incidentally that religious intolerance, which is usually supposed to have had its origin in the bigotry of Aurangzeb, was not wholly unknown in the reigns of Jahangir and Shah Jahan. The later chapters make use of the records of early European merchants and travellers in respect of the general circumstances of the Mughal empire.
The book will be found of great use for the students of the medieval history who do not have the time to read the original works. It will also be great interest to the layman interested in history of Mughal Empire.