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The Act For Dummies

by Suzee Vlk
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Book cover type: Paperback
  • ISBN13: 9780764554742
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Subject: Education & Psychology
  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Publisher Imprint: Wiley
  • Publication Date:
  • Pages: 384
  • Original Price: USD 16.99
  • Language: English
  • Edition: N/A
  • Item Weight: 1000 grams

About the Book There's no escaping the ACT. Many colleges require that you suffer through the ordeal of taking this entrance exam before they will even look at your application. Some colleges emphasize ACT scores to compensate for grade inflation; that is, some high schools may give students A's for doing the same level work that would gain them C's in other high schools. Because the ACT is the same for everyone (students nationwide take the exact same exam), colleges use ACT scores to get inside your head to see what's really in there. Think of this as an opportunity, not a crisis - after all, good ACT scores can overcome low GPAs. No matter how good your high school teachers are, their main goal is to prepare you for the real world - and not the world of the ACT. That's where The ACT For Dummies, 3rd Edition, takes over. Newly revised for the latest version of the exam, this book takes a substantive, but easy-to-understand, approach to helping you prepare for the exam, while at the same time presenting its information in the typical Dummies style - with humor and fun. If anything can make preparing for the ACT enjoyable, this book can. Here's a sampling of what you'll find in The ACT For Dummies, 3rd Edition:

  • An overview of the test: Understanding the format and how the scoring works
  • Stress-busters: How to survive exam day
  • Things to double-check and things to avoid while taking the test
  • Reviews of grammar and spelling, algebra and geometry, reading, and science reasoning
  • Plenty of practice questions for all parts of the test
  • Three full-length ACT practice tests (no, not the real thing )
  • Top Ten lists debunking ACT rumors, differences between the ACT and SAT, and true ACT stories
You know you have to take the ACT seriously; after all, it can determine the college you go to, which will, in turn, affect the rest of your life. (Talk about pressure ) So why not be prepared? With The ACT For Dummies, 3rd Edition, you'll be as prepared for the exam as anyone can be, and you may just have a little fun in the process.

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