Lively, shrewd, bursting with reforming ideas, and refreshingly informed by a vast knowledge of current diplomatic practice in Asia and Africa as well as in the West, this is a particularly valuable new book The embassy, Kishan S. Rana argues persuasively, Is actually 'in renaissance.' —G. R Berridge, Emeritus Professor of International Politics, University of Leicester, UK 'The Contemporary Embassy is by far the best and most comprehensive study now available of the way nations practice diplomacy abroad. It burnishes Ambassador Rana's well-established credentials as an outstanding analyst of present-day diplomatic process. I plan to use it on my course in diplomacy,' —Howard B. Schaffer, Georgetown University, USA and Former U.S. Ambassador Today's embassy blends tradition and change. It accommodates multiple state and non-state actors who jostle on the international stage. This - -innovative study considers why embassies today are especially relevant to the international system, examining the new representation options and global diplomacy techniques in an information age. Located at the cutting edge of sustaining relations with foreign countries, the embassy plays an expanded role of in bilateral, regional and multilateral affairs, as a promoter of national interests. As foreign ministries and diplomatic networks are expected to deliver more whilst material and human resources in public services are shrinking, this text addresses how embassies can improve their functioning, working in an enlightened, empowered and effective manner. Supported by empirical research and interviews with diplomats and other professionals, alongside unique insights into the experiences of developing countries, The Contemporary Embassy will be a valuable resource for diplomacy scholars and practitioners alike.