Handbook of Environmental Biotechnology (MULTI VOL SET-3 Vols.)
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Environmental biotechnology offers unique, efficient, eco-friendly and economically viable options for treatment of wastes in situ and conversion of hazardous toxic waste into relatively less harmful or harmless products. It involves applications of biotechnology to the management of environment and related socio-economic and development issues. The third volume of Handbook of Environmental Biotechnology deals with topics such as environmental biotechnology in chemical processing and allied industries, soil and landfill, novel methods of environmental biotechnical pollution control like vermiculture biotechnology and composting. This volume is divided into three sections. Section I deals with environmental biotechnology in chemical processing and allied industries. The key aspects of early detection of hazards, assessment of consequences of accidental release of effluents and evaluation of biotechnology at various stages of implementation have been taken up. Section II concentrates on transformation and enhancement of resource base, reduction of energy consumption, pollution abetment, enhancement of biomass production and conservation of non-renewable resources, generation of useful organic chemicals from bioconversion of biomass, etc. Section III discusses the novel methods of environmental biological pollution control such as the role of earthworms in improving soil fertility, and of plants in absorbing gaseous pollutants and aquatic weeds in absorbing pollutants. The text has been supplemented with diagrams, figures and tables. All the topics have been covered in a cogent and lucid style to help the reader grasp the information easily. Glossary and Index have been provided for quick reference. The book is a treatise on environmental biotechnology and an essential reading for all students, teachers, professionals, researchers and industrialists concerned with environmental science, microbiology and life sciences. It is also a valuable source of information for those preparing for or already associated with pollution prevention, chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, food processing and agricultural engineering. The book also caters to the requirements of the syllabus prescribed by various Indian universities for undergraduate and postgraduate students of biotechnology.
S.C. Bhatia, a Chemical Engineer from BITS, Pilani, and also an MBA, is a consultant on Environmental and Pollution Control, Energy Conservation and Polymer Sciences. He has worked in various petrochemical plants in production planning, maintenance, quality control, etc. He has authored books on subjects ranging from chemical process industries, plastic and rubber technology to perfume, soaps and cosmetics. His areas of specialisation include air and water pollution, energy conservation, rubber, plastics and bio-sciences. He has contributed numerous papers on chemical and allied subjects in journals of repute. Among his published books, Textbook of Noise Pollution and Its Control, Textbook of Biotechnology, Managing Industrial Pollution, Industrial Chemistry, Perfume, Soap and Cosmetics and Chemical Process Industries have received overwhelming response.