Science and Technology
Managing Your Move To Object Technology: Guidelines and Strategies for a Smooth Transition
Barry McGibbon
Managing Wastes From Aluminium Smaller Plants
B. Mazumder, B.K. Mishra
Managing Your Headaches
Mark W. Green, Leah M. Green
Managing Soils and Terrestrial Systems
Britton, Irma
Managing Risk And Security In Outsourcing It Services: Onshore, Offshore and the Cloud
Frank Siepmann
Managing Pollutant Emission From Landfills And Sludge
Malgorzata Pawlowska, Lucjan Pawlowski
Managing Our Wildlife Resources
Stanley Anderson
Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary Care
Carrier, Judith
Managing Infections: Decision Making Options in Clinical Practice
C.A Bartzokas, G.A. Smith
Managing Human and Social Systems
Britton, Irma
Managing Engineered Assets: Principles and Practical Concepts
Amadi-Echendu, Joe E.
From the Back CoverThis textbook deals with engineering, science, technical, legal, financial, ICT, logistics and people management topics necessary for managing engineered assets such as all man-made tools, gadgets, buildings, equipment, machines...
View full detailsManaging And Securing A Cisco Structured Wireless-Aware Network
David Wall
Managing Animals In New Guinea: Preying the Game in the Highlands
Paul Sillitoe
Managing AI in the Enterprise: Succeeding with AI Projects and MLOps to Build Sustainable AI Organizations
Klaus Haller
From the Back CoverDelivering AI projects and building an AI organization are two big challenges for enterprises. They determine whether companies succeed or fail in establishing AI and integrating AI into their digital transformation. This book a...
View full detailsManaging Agricultural Greenhouse Gases: Coordinated Agricultural Research Through GRACEnet to Address Our Changing Climate
Mark Liebig
Manager's Guide to Sharepoint Server 2016: Tutorials Solutions and Best Practices
Angermann, Heiko
From the Back CoverClose the gap between introductory and advanced resources available on SharePoint 2016 with this guide and identify the core benefits of specific techniques in a real-world context, including best practice scenarios. You will fi...
View full detailsManagement of Water Quality and Quantity:
Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms: Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives
Philippe Quevauviller
Management Of Chronic Viral Hepatitis
Stuart Gordon
Management of Irrigation and Water Supply Under Climatic Extremes: Empirical Analysis and Policy Lessons from India
M. Dinesh Kumar
From the Back CoverThis volume provides a theoretical basis for the argument that available research that analyzes the impacts of climate on hydrology, water resources, and water systems, without factoring in the effect of climate variability, are...
View full detailsManagement of Emerging Public Health Issues and Risks:: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Changing Environment 1ed
Roig Benoit
Management in Networks
Hans de Bruijn, Ernst Ten Heuvelhof
Management Of Construction Projects
Brian Cooke
From the Back CoverManagement of CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Brian CookeConstruction Management is a wide ranging discipline, but ultimately it is a demanding, hands-on discipline concerned with the management of people, plant and materials, all mobilis...
View full detailsManagement Information Systems :
Girdhar Joshi
Mammalian Heme Peroxidases
Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach to Detect and Analyze Modern M
Mohanta, Abhijit
From the Back CoverDiscover how the internals of malware work and how you can analyze and detect it. You will learn not only how to analyze and reverse malware, but also how to classify and categorize it, giving you insight into the intent of the ...
View full detailsMaking Sense Of Weather And Climate: The Science Behind the Forecasts
Mark Denny
Making Sense Of Nature
Noel Castree
Making Sense of ‘Food’ Animals
Paula Arcari
From the Back CoverThis book addresses the persistence of meat consumption and the use of animals as food in spite of significant challenges to their environmental and ethical legitimacy. It identifies what contributes to the persistent edibility ...
View full detailsMaking Sense of Equations
Palisoc, Dr Randy
Making Sense of Evidence-based Practice for Nursing: An Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research and Systematic Reviews
Making Images with Mathematics
Sourin, Alexei
From the Back CoverThis textbook teaches readers how to turn geometry into an image on a computer screen. This exciting journey begins in the schools of the ancient Greek philosophers, and describes the major events that changed people's perceptio...
View full detailsMaking Grids Work: Proceedings of the CoreGRID Workshop on Programming Models Grid and P2P System Architecture
Marco Danelutto, Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Vladimir Getov
From the Back CoverMaking Grids Work includes selected articles from the CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Models, Grid and P2P Systems Architecture, Grid Systems, Tools and Environments held at the Institute of Computer Science, Foundation fo...
View full detailsMaking and Unmaking of Puget Sound
Gary C. Howard
Make Your Own Game Apps - For Kids: Make Your Own Game Apps - For Kids
Krishna Balwalli
Make The Grade: A2 Biology with Human Biology
John Adds, Others
Maine: Life in a Day
Conley, Susan
Magneto Luminous Chemical Vapor Deposition
Hirotsugu Yasuda
Magnetospheric Multiscale: A Mission to Investigate the Physics of Magnetic Reconnection
James L. Burch; Roy B. Torbert
From the Back CoverNASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is a four-spacecraft Solar Terrestrial Probe mission to study magnetic reconnection, a fundamental plasma physical process in which energy stored in a magnetic field is converted in...
View full detailsMagnetic Resonance In Food Science: From Molecules to Man
I.A. Farhat, P.S. Belton, G. Webb
From the Back CoverMagnetic Resonance in Food Science is an authoritative summary of state-of the-art research contributions from the world's leading scientists. Contributions from the 8th International Conference on the Applications of Magnetic R...
View full detailsMagnetic Resonance Brain Imaging: Modelling and Data Analysis Using R
Jörg Polzehl
From the Back CoverThis book discusses modelling and analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data of the human brain. For the data processing pipelines we rely on R, the software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The book is...
View full detailsMagnetism and Transition Metal Complexes
Mabbs, F. E.
Magnetic Field of the Earth: Author
Magnesium and Its Alloys
Leszek A. Dobrzanski
Magnesium Sulfate Anhydrous; A Complete Guide
G J Blokdijk
Magnesium: From Resources to Production:
Mae Jemison: The First African American Astronaut - Women Astronaut Book Grade 3 - Children's Biographies
Dissected Lives
Mae Jemison
Shepherd, Jodie
Macro-Micro Theory On Multifield Coupling Behavior Of Heterogeneous Materials
Qing-Hua Qin, Qing-Sheng Yang
Macromedia Studio Mx: Step-by-step Projects for Flash Mx, Dreamweaver Mx, Fireworks Mx, and Freehand 10
Kirsti Aho
Macromedia Flash Mx 2004: Fast and Easy Web Development
Lisa Bucki
Macromedia Dreamweaver Mx 2004: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques
Thomas J. Cashman, Dolores J. Wells
Macromedia Fireworks Mx 2004: Fast and Easy Web Development
Lisa Bucki
Mac Os X Pocket Guide
Chuck Toporek
Machining Processes and Machines
Machine Vision Algorithms in Java: Techniques and Implementation
Whelan, Paul F.
Machining of Nanocomposites
Machine Translation
Thierry Poibeau
Machine Tool Reliability
Bhupesh K. Lad, Divya Shrivastava, Makarand S. Kulkarni
Machine Learning with PySpark: With Natural Language Processing and Recommender Syste
Singh, Pramod
From the Back CoverMaster the new features in PySpark 3.1 to develop data-driven, intelligent applications. This updated edition covers topics ranging from building scalable machine learning models, to natural language processing, to recommender s...
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