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Calculus by Hari Kishan
Hari Kishan
Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables. In it, an...
View full detailsStatics
Hari Kishan
The book is a comprehensive guide to the subject of Statics, with a focus on three essential topics—Common Catenary, Centre of Gravity, and Virtual...
View full detailsHydrostatics
Hari Kishan
Hydrostatics is a comprehensive exploration of the subject, designed to provide readers with a solid foundation in the mathematical principles and ...
View full detailsAdvanced Differential Equations: For B.A., B.Sc. Hons., M.A., M.Sc. Hons. (Mathematics and Physics) B.E. PCS, GATE, CSIR-UGC NET and
Hari Kishan
Advanced Differential Equations offers an exhaustive exploration of differential equations essential for advanced mathematical and scientific endea...
View full detailsIntegral Calculus
Hari Kishan
The present book Integral Calculus is a unique textbook on Integration, aiming at providing a fairly complete account of the basic concepts require...
View full detailsDynamics
Hari Kishan
The book attempts to present the principles of elementary dynamics and explain the meaning of the physical quantities involved, partly by definitio...
View full detailsA Textbook Of Matrices
Hari Kishan
A matrix is an ordered set of numbers listed in rectangular form having certain rows and columns. The knowledge of matrices is considered necessary...
View full detailsVector Algebra And Calculus
Hari Kishan
The present book aims at providing a detailed account of the basic concepts of vectors that are needed to build a strong foundation for a student p...
View full detailsTrigonometry
Hari Kishan
Primarily designed as a textbook, Trigonometry is a unique treatise on vectors, aiming at providing a fairly complete account of the basic concepts...
View full detailsTheory Of Equations
Hari Kishan
In Mathematics, the theory of equations comprises a major part of traditional algebra. Topics range from polynomials, algebraic equations, separati...
View full detailsSure Success In Convergence
Hari Kishan
The present book Sure Success in Convergence covers extensively all the elementary principles and fundamental concepts of Convergence and Divergenc...
View full detailsSamajik Sarvekshan Ewem Anusandhan
Hari Kishan
सामाजिक सर्वेक्षण एक वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन है, एक प्रक्रिया है, जिसके द्वारा किसी निश्चित भौगोलिक क्षेत्र में घटित होने वाली घटनाओं के विषय में विश्वसनी...
View full detailsDifferential Calculus
Hari Kishan
Primarily meant for graduate level students of Mathematics of different universities across India, the book provides the reader with the thorough u...
View full detailsCoordinate Geometry Of Two Dimensions
Hari Kishan
The present book Coordinate Geometry of Two Dimensions aims at providing the students with a detailed study of Polar Coordinates, Polar Equations o...
View full detailsCoordinate Geometry Of Three Dimensions (Vol. 2)
Hari Kishan
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions is an advanced branch of analytical geometry. It is studied with the help of algebra though it is largely b...
View full detailsCoordinate Geometry Of Three Dimensions (Vol. 1)
Hari Kishan
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions is an advanced branch of analytical geometry. It is studied with the help of algebra though it is largely b...
View full detailsCoordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions (MULTI VOL SET-2 Vols.)
Hari Kishan
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions is an advanced branch of analytical geometry. It is studied with the help of algebra though it is largely b...
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