Urban Development With Community Initiatives: Retrospect and Prospect
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This book is a compendium of experiences over the last 40 years in the field of Community Development and Working with People. People and Communities are the only references in this book. So the readers do not have to find a separate bibliography. Some of the lessons that emanate from this book lay emphasis on : Not to ignore the ability and ingenuity of the poor. Facilitate him/her to think and act. If people have the will they can find a way out for a meaningful development. Human resource is inexhaustible in our society for individual’s and society’s benefit. Proper way must be found to tap it in the right direction. By doing community development work, not only other are benefitted but we are also benefitted simultaneously. Educate, Organise and Empower — These are the powerful keys for participatory development. By glancing the book, the readers will identify them in the right perspective.
Dr. G. Surya Rao was born in an agricultural family on 7th November 1930 in Kapileswara-puram of East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, India. He qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.) in 1952 from Madras Veterinary College; but he worked in this profession for hardly 5 years. He got Master’s degree in Extension (M.Ex.) from Washington State University in 1966 and that gave him the theoretical base. He was actively involved in community development and people’s participatory processes in his capacity as Extension Officer and Block Development Officer in Rural Community Development Programme for over a decade since 1956. The Urban Community Development Project in Hyderabad, in which he acted as Project Officer and Director, right from 1967 to 1980, received world-wide acclaim as an ideal model amenable for wider replication. Dr. Rao opted for voluntary retirement in 1980 and after a brief stint of consultancy role, he joined UNICEF. He was actively involved in Urban Basic Services Programme initiated by Government and UNICEF and could create several innovative approaches which are well conceived and incorporated in the present Swarna Jayanti Shaheri Rozgar Yojana initiated by Government of India. Dr. G. Surya Rao retired from UNICEF in December 1990. But he still continues to be a Trainer-cum-Facilitator in his capacity as President of an N.G.O., UPACOR (Urban Poverty