Dictionary Of Economics by N.B. Ghodke
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This slim but comprehensive book, Dictionary of Economics, intends to serve as a guide to the politicians and the bureaucrats in their task of formulating economic policies, and implementing plans and programmes respectively. Besides being a reference work to the research scholars and the student community at large, the book helps the layman in understanding the difficult economic terminology. In Pursuance of the aforesaid objective, the book defines/explains/analyses around 500 terms/concepts widely used in the parliament, state Legislatures, the media and the economic quarters, such as administered prices, balance of payments, budget, capital-output ratio, convertibility of the Rupee, debt trap, devaluation, European union, fiscal deficit, globalisation, IBRD, IMF, intellectual property rights, MODVAT, non-performing assets, OPEC, privatisation, SEBI, stock exchange, Uruguay Round, VAT, WTO, Zero base budget etc. The language employed in the book is lucid. The views expressed are objective without being doctrinair or dogmatic.
N.B. Ghodke, M.A., LL.B. (Bom.); Lecturer in Economics, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded (1963-70); Reader in Economics, Kittel College, Dharwad (1970-74); Professor-cum-Principal, C.S.I. College of Commerce, Dharwad (1974-90); Syndicate Member, Karnatak University, Dharwad (1990-96); Rajyotsava Award Winner (Education) (1992); Editor, The Welfare Economist, a monthly economic journal (1975-82); Columnist on economic matters to leading vernacular dailies; translated Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Ph.D. thesis from English into Kannada (a Karnataka Government Assignment). Prof. Ghodke has authored, inter alia, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Economics (in five volumes), An introduction to the Panorama of Hinduism, Smt. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.