Environmental Science For Ugc-Net/Slet/Jrf Paper I, Ii, And Iii: Previous Years Solved Papers with Key
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The University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test (NET) on various subjects every year, in June and December. There are three papers: Paper I which is common to all candidates is a general paper on teaching and research aptitude, while Paper II and III are on the subject selected by the candidate. NET aims to determine eligibility for college and university level lectureship and for award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), for Indian nationals in order to ensure minimum standards for the entrants in the teaching profession and research. The book contains previous years’ solved papers (objective type questions) in the subject of Environmental Science, from June 2005 to December 2015. It covers all three papers (Paper I, II and III). In Paper I (General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude), solved papers have been given from December 2005. In Paper II (Elective), solved papers have been included from June 2005. In Paper III (Core and Elective), solved papers of objective type questions have been included from June 2012, conforming to the existing UGC-NET pattern. In addition, five sets of Mock Tests for Paper I, II and III have been included in the book under Practice Papers. Answers have been given at the end of each set for self-check. The book will be useful for those preparing for UGC-NET/JRF in the subject of Environmental Science. It will apprise them of the type of questions asked in NET in this subject, i.e. Multiple-choice, Matching type, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type, etc. The papers included in this book will enable the students to judge their own level of competence besides adding to their knowledge. As the UGC-NET papers are set from the entire syllabus, the book will help them revise the important questions from all the units.
Atlantic Research Division is engaged in preparing quality textbooks on various subjects for postgraduate and undergraduate students pursuing various courses, as well as for those appearing in UGC-NET/JRF and other competitive examinations like CSE, CAT, GATE, Bank P.O., etc.