Financial Management: Theory and Practice
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This book covers all the aspects of Financial Management, both in theory and practice. While theoretical matter has been gathered from standard works and up-to-date reports, practical problems solved at the end of each chapter, have been taken from university question papers on the subject. The narration of theory in this book is generally free from technical jargon, presented in simple language, with examples from Indian situations, and easily memorable due to central, side and running headings. Questions, at the end of each chapter, have been selected from actual university and competitive examination papers. This will provide a sound basis for preparation for examination. The book would be found highly useful by students of Management Institutes and Universities. It will also be of great use for chartered accountants, company secretaries and other officials in the private and public companies.
Arun Kumar, B.Com. (Hons.), L.L.B., F.C.A. AMIMA is working on various senior positions in multinational corporations. He has utilised his wide experience in management for writing numerous books on Theory and Practice of Management. A brilliant student throughout her distinguished carrier, Dr. Rachana Sharma, M.A., Ph.D. has written numerous books on psychology and management. Her Ph.D. research was highly acclaimed by scholars.